Welcome to the Mid-Atlantic Region American Music Therapy Student section! This area of the website is here to help prospective Music Therapy students learn more about the field and keep current students informed about the region. Students come from 17 different schools in Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. MARAMTS tries to bring all of the students together, to learn and share ideas with each other. By becoming a member of AMTA, students from the region become a part of MARAMTS, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Chapter of the American Music Therapy Association Students. Please help by keeping your school informed on the latest conference and scholarship information. Thank you!
Please contact our board members!
Visit our website for information about our student-led organization and schools with music therapy programs!
Student News:
Affinity Group Meetings (4/3/2024) - MAR Regional Conference Affinity Spaces: These meetings are open to students and professionals in the MAR who identify as the socio-cultural identities/community of each group. (Conference Registration is not needed to attend.) Thursday, April 4th Saturday, April 6thCommission on the Education and Clinical Training of 21st Century Music Therapists News (12/3/2020) - News from the Commission on the Education and Clinical Training of 21st Century Music Therapists On November 22, 2020, members of the Commission presented at the AMTA online national conference. They reviewed the history of the Commission and the themes that emerged from the feedback received on the two key questions and shared emerging themes […] Molloy College Fall Open House November 15 (11/10/2020) - We hope to see you on Sunday November 15th at 1:30 or 2:00 for one of our graduate music therapy information sessions. To register and get the Zoom link, click here . Questions? music@molloy.edu Passages 2020 Registration Form and Conference Session Proposal Form (7/11/2020) - 17th Annual MAR Passages Conference Session Proposal Form *2020 *ONLINE!* Saturday, September 26th 2020 9:00AM-3:30PM PROPOSAL FORM Deadline For Submission: August 31st, 2020 All sessions are 50 minutes total, including 5 minutes for questions and feedback. Theme: Unification This year’s Passages Conference is about providing care in uncertain times. Not only that, it’s about banding […] Passages Conference Coming Soon (7/11/2020) - Note from Molly Pow, MS, MT-BC, Student Affairs Advisor: Hello Mid Atlantic Region! I continue to be impressed and heart warmed by the incredible amount of love and support our field shares with one another. We absolutely raise each other up, without a shadow of a doubt. These unprecedented times have greatly impacted us all. […] Student Affairs Advisor Report, March 2020 (3/3/2020) - Student Affairs Advisor Report: Molly Pow, MS, MT-BC, Student Affairs Advisor Student Activities Updates: Melissa Acheson, MARAMTS VP Student Affairs Advisor Report: Our regions’ students have been busy preparing for regional conference with fundraising, MARAMTS Gives Back, and making plans for the Hill Day at Student Leadership Academy. Exciting growth has taken place throughout the […] Commission Connection — Two Questions (11/7/2019) - Dear colleague, In 2018, the AMTA Board of Directors created the Commission on the Education and Clinical Training of 21st Century Music Therapists. The Commission is charged to: ● identify inconsistencies within degree programs to support clinical practice in a changing world; ● identify inconsistencies among and between National Roster and University Affiliated Internship programs; […] Student Affairs Advisor Fall 2019 Newsletter (11/7/2019) - Student Affairs Advisor Fall Newsletter Molly Pow, MS, MT-BC November, 2019 Our region’s students have been hard at work preparing for the 2019-2020 academic year! September 27th and 28th Elizabethtown College graciously hosted the 1st Annual combined MARAMTS Fall Business Meeting and Passages Conference. 35 students from 17 Music Therapy programs attended the FBM and […] Graduate Music Therapy Program Open House at Molloy College Coming Soon (10/16/2019) - Thursday October 24th at 6pm is our Graduate Music Therapy Program Open House. We’d love to have you join us. Registration and more information is here and more attached at www.molloy.edu/msmt – feel free to share with friends! All attendees will need to check in at Hagan Lobby. Refreshments will be available in Hagan Lobby. […] Passages 2018 Program (10/30/2018) - Our 2018 Passages Conference was an inspiring day! Radford University and Music Therapy Club welcomed students, interns, and new professionals from the MAR for a day filled with terrific presentations, great discussions, and opportunities to connect. Thank you to all who attended, and congratulations to our terrific presenters!! Check out the program here! PASSAGES 2018 […] Research Award Applications Posted! (11/8/2017) - Research Award Applications Posted! All research awards have been updated with applications, both in Word format and PDF format. Deadlines are within a few months, so start the application process soon! Check them out here!
Passages: Registration and Call for Papers are open! (9/10/2017) - Passages Information! On October 14th, this years Passages will be held at Molloy College in Rockville Centre, NY. Co-chairs will be current student Liz Ingram and new professional Tara O’Brien. For more information, please contact Student Affairs Adviser, Jason Willey. Registration Call for Papers Come celebrate 40 years with SRU! (9/7/2017) - Celebrate 40 years with SRU! We are excited to announce that on Saturday, October 7, 2017, the SRU Music Therapy Program will host a 40th Anniversary Celebration at the SRU Alumni House. We will be offering 2 CMTEs– an Ethics for cultural music making CMTE (Demeko Freeman & Heather Wagner) and an Improvisation CMTE (Alan Turry). […] Announcement from President and Membership (8/17/2017) - The Mid-Atlantic Region of the American Music Therapy Association writes to acknowledge and condemn the terrible acts of bigotry and violence that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, this past weekend (August 12, 2017). We extend condolences to the families of Heather Heyer, Lt. Pilot H. Jay Cullen, and Trooper Pilot Berke M.M. Bates who were killed in the events […]
Save the Date for Passages 2017! (7/24/2017) - Save the Date for Passages 2017! Passages 2017 will be held at Molloy College, Rockville Centre, NY on October 14th, 2017. Co-chairs will be current student Liz Ingram and new professional Tara O’Brien. Check back for registration and more info!
MARAMTS Update: Student Affairs and Happenings (5/13/2017) - MARAMTS Update: Student Affairs and Happenings Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC – Outgoing MAR Student Affairs Advisor Jason Willey, MMT, MT-BC – Incoming MAR Student Affairs Advisor Tara O’Brien – Outgoing MARAMTS Vice President Colleen McDonough – Incoming MARAMTS Vice President PASSAGES 2016: BLOOMING INTO SONG This year’s Passages Conference for our region’s students […]New Awards for Members! (9/6/2016) - MAR-AMTA Membership has just announced three new awards! MAR-AMTA National Conference Award, MAR-AMTA National Conference Award and the Student Member Regional Conference Award– View them here! Check them out soon– Deadlines are quickly approaching!
VP for Membership Summer Report (8/15/2016) - Vice President for Membership Report Marisol S. Norris, MA, MT-BC Greetings MAR-AMTA!! I am excited to serve as your new VP of Membership. MAR is renowned for its members who daily exhibit 1) passionate service, 2) commitment to music therapy field advancement, and 3) dedication to the professional growth fostered by our inter-connectivity. These are […]The Summer Government Relations Report Is In! (7/21/2016) - GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Respectfully Submitted: Maria Hricko Fay, LSW, LCAT, MT-BC Fellow of the Association for Music and Imagery margovernmentrelations@gmail.com Summer is usually a time to slow down in the lazy, hazy heat. While work related to government relations generally slows down a bit in the summer months, task forces are still very active gathering information, […]
MAR President’s Forum: Responses from AMTA (6/27/2016) - MAR President’s Forum: Responses from AMTA On behalf of the AMTA, President Geiger has provided a document with responses to the questions and concerns raised during the MAR President’s Forum. To read the original document from the Presidents Forum, click here. A HUGE thanks goes to President Geiger for compiling this information for us and for […]MAR Graduate Student Research Award Recipient (6/22/2016) - On Behalf of the MAR Research Committee, we would like to announce the recipient of the MAR GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH AWARD; The recipient of the 2016 MAR Graduate Student Research Award ($1,000) is Katherine Myers-Coffman for her research study ‘The Resilience Songwriting Model for Adolescent Bereavement: A Mixed Methods Study’. Katherine is a PhD student at […] VP for Conference Planning Letter (4/30/2016) - Hello MAR, The 2016 conference in Harrisburg, PA was an exceptional event, thanks to the 748 attendees, the dynamic local committee, talented musicians, and the conference session offerings. This was the biggest conference to date and it was an honor to be a part of the process. The conference evaluation is now closed and we […]
MARAMTS Update! (4/30/2016) - MARAMTS Update: Student Affairs and Happenings Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC – MAR Student Affairs Advisor Megan Neil – Outgoing MARAMTS Vice President Tara O’Brien – Incoming MARAMTS Vice President PASSAGES 2015: TODAY, TOMORROW & FOREVER This year’s Passages Conference for our region’s students and new professionals was held on October 24, 2015 at Shenandoah […]
April 2016 Government Relations Newsletter (4/29/2016) - GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Maria Hricko Fay, LSW, LCAT, MT-BC Fellow of the Association for Music and Imagery margovernmentrelations@gmail.com CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS History was made at the Harrisburg State Capitol during the conference! The largest Music Therapy Hill Day in the country took place with well over 200 music therapists and music therapy students from across the region […]Congratulations MARAMTAS Board Members! (4/12/2016) - Congratulations to the newest elected members of the MARAMTAS Executive Board! President: Andrea Schaertel- Duquesne University MARAMTSpresident@gmail.com President Elect: Meghan Smith- Temple University MARAMTSpresidentelect@gmail.com Vice President: Tara O’Brien-Fredonia State MARAMTSvicepresident@gmail.com Student Affairs Advisor: Conio Loretto, Center for Discovery MARAMTSadvisor@gmail.com Secretary: Colleen McDonough-Temple University MARAMTSsecretary@gmail.com Parliamentarian: Halley Cole-Duquesne University MARAMTSparliamentarian@gmail.com Treasurer: Amanda Montera-Temple University MARAMTStreasurer@gmail.com Government […] 2016 Special Elections! (4/1/2016) - 2016 Special Elections Slate of Nominees (Approved 3/18/2016) Vice President for Membership Beth Deyermond, MA, MT-BC has been a practicing music therapist for the past fourteen years. She currently serves as the Music Therapy Department Chairperson and Internship Director at The Center for Discovery in Harris, NY. She received her Bachelors of Science in […]
Attention Graduate Students Interested in Research! (4/1/2016) - The MAR Research Committee would like to remind folks of the Graduate Student Research Award which has a deadline of May 1st, 2016. The MAR Graduate Student Research Award assists graduate music therapy students undertaking original thesis or dissertation research with a grant of up to $1,000.00 to support research costs prior to the completion of […]NYU Workshop! (1/27/2016) - Check out the workshop hosted by NYU, the New York State Task Force and MARAMTA on February 21st, 2016!! Great way to earn CMTE’s and its FREE for students!! Check it out!!
Registration is now OPEN for Passages 2015! (9/21/2015) - Registration is now open for PASSAGES 2015: TODAY, TOMORROW & FOREVER. PASSAGES is a FREE conference for students and new professionals within the MAR. This year’s conference will be held at Shenandoah University in Winchester, VA from 9am to 5pm. To register, simply follow the link below! Register Here
MAR Student Scholarship Applications Now Available for 2015 – 2016 (7/14/2015) - The MAR-AMTA will once again be awarding scholarships to deserving students and interns within our region. Each year, the MAR-AMTA gives over two thousand dollars to students and interns through a variety of scholarship opportunities. The MARAMTS Sophomore, Junior and Graduate Scholarships are awarded each year to students who demonstrate commitment to our field through […]
Congratulations to 2014-2015 Student Scholarship Recipients (3/23/2015) - The 2014-2015 Student Scholarships were awarded to the following students at the 2015 Regional Conference in Ocean City. Sophomore Scholarship Lydia Anthony (Elizabethtown College) Bethany Wentling (Elizabethtown College) Junior Scholarship Briana Sanford (Nazareth College) Elizabeth Bligh (SUNY Fredonia) Graduate Scholarship Megan Neil (Radford University) Jenny Shinn Memorial Scholarship Diana Abourafeh (Molloy College) Marissa Aulenbach (Elizabethtown College) Arianna Bendlin (Elizabethtown College) […]
Meet Your Assembly Delegates at the Networking Luncheon! (3/4/2015) - Do you know who your Assembly Delegates are? Do you wish you had more of a voice in MAR or AMTA? Come chat with your representatives at the Networking Luncheon for an opportunity to hear what’s going on or share your input!
MARAMTS Fundraisers
More information coming soon!
MARAMTS Newsletter
Access previous issues of the MARAMTS Newsletter below:
Fall 2012 Newsletter
Spring 2012 Newsletter
Fall 2011 Newsletter
Spring 2011 Newsletter
Fall 2010 Newsletter
Spring 2010 Newsletter
Fall 2009 Newsletter
Fall 2008 Newsletter
Spring 2008 Newsletter
Fall 2007 Newsletter
Spring 2007 Newsletter
Fall 2006 Newsletter