

Introduction: The duties of the Nominating Committee are described in the MAR-AMTA bylaws Article VI, sections 1 and 2.

  • Section 1. A Nominating Committee consisting of the Immediate Past President, who will serve as chair, and five (5) professional regional members representing five (5) different areas of the Region shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board.
  • Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall draw up a slate of consenting candidates for each elective office to be presented along with respective biographical information to the general membership at the annual regional conference. The committee shall make every attempt to present at least two (2) candidates for each elective office. They shall also draw up a slate of at least twice as many nominees as there are designated positions for the Assembly of Delegates. Additional nominees of consenting candidates for electiveoffices shall be accepted from the floor at the annual regional conference.

The Nominating Committee has worked tirelessly to ensure that the MAR membership has been provided with a full slate of candidates for each elective office. Please click [here] to view the slate of candidates. Elections will be conducted via secret electronic ballot. All MAR professional members and graduate student members who are former professional members (returned to school) in good standing will be eligible to vote. Members are encouraged to verify their email address in the AMTA database to ensure that they receive an electronic ballot.

Electronic ballots will be distributed no later than two weeks following the conclusion of the annual regional conference. The nominee receiving the greatest number of votes shall be considered elected. In the event of a tie, a deciding vote shall be cast by the members of the outgoing Executive Board. This shall apply to the tie votes for the Assembly only when the tie would result in (a) one candidate serving on the Assembly and the other serving as an Alternate; or (b) one candidate serving as an Alternate and the other not being included as an Alternate.

Results will be presented for publication in the first newsletter immediately following the elections and on the website. Check back here often to view the election results after they have been announced!