Passages Conference Coming Soon

Note from Molly Pow, MS, MT-BC, Student Affairs Advisor:

Hello Mid Atlantic Region! I continue to be impressed and heart warmed by the incredible amount of love and support our field shares with one another. We absolutely raise each other up, without a shadow of a doubt.

These unprecedented times have greatly impacted us all. With that said, I feel it’s necessary to share a HUGE shout out of gratitude and congratulations to our outgoing and newly elected MARAMTS Executive Boards. They have all gone above and beyond to make sure their duties were not only fulfilled, but exceeded every expectation. We are absolutely lucky to have them in our field. There is no doubt how successful they will be!

Outgoing 2019-2020 E-Board
President: Fiona Riso
President Elect: Rachael Kovaly
Vice-President: Melissa Acheson
Secretary: Natalie Tyce
Treasurer: Alex Brandt
Government Relations: Damian Cabrera
Public Relations: Michaela Haas
Parliamentarian: Spencer Cole

2020-2021 MARAMTS E-Board
President: Rachael Kovaly
President-Elect: Lauren Armstrong
Vice-President: Faith Ausfresser
Secretary: Katie Hock
Treasurer: Kenna Daily
Government Relations: Lauren Carter
Public Relations: Michaela Haas
Historian: Spencer Cole (NEW POSITION!!)
Parliamentarian: Emma Lambert

Passages Conference:
2020 Passages Conference will be online this year! Online platform TBA. If you are a student or new professional, please register and send in your presentation proposals! Professors, Supervisors, Mentors: Please encourage your students!

Deadline for registration is Friday, September 4th. Deadline for proposal submission is Monday, August 31st. Nine presentations will be selected.

Thank you! Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Molly Pow at