Student Affairs Advisor Fall Newsletter
Molly Pow, MS, MT-BC
November, 2019
Our region’s students have been hard at work preparing for the 2019-2020 academic year! September 27th and 28th Elizabethtown College graciously hosted the 1st Annual combined MARAMTS Fall Business Meeting and Passages Conference. 35 students from 17 Music Therapy programs attended the FBM and 78 students and new professionals attended Passages.
Congratulations to all of our student and new professional participants on an educational and exciting weekend! A great deal of thanks to Dr. Gene Ann Behrens and the students of Elizabethtown College for hosting such a lovely weekend. Special thanks also to our Passages Co-Chairs, Katie Pukos and Kennedy Jason. Lastly, to our Passages guest speaker, Sam Snyder, MT-BC, Beth Deyermond, MA, MT-BC (MARAMTA President), and Kathleen Murphy, PhD, MT-BC for their support throughout the two events.
Presently, the students are gearing up for the national conference, implementing fundraising ideas, and beginning preparations for the MAR Student Service Project. More to come, stay tuned!