17th Annual MAR Passages Conference Session Proposal Form *2020 *ONLINE!*
Saturday, September 26th 2020
Deadline For Submission: August 31st, 2020
All sessions are 50 minutes total, including 5 minutes for questions and feedback.
Theme: Unification
This year’s Passages Conference is about providing care in uncertain times. Not only that, it’s about banding together, uplifting, and learning from one another for each other. It’s about embracing ourselves and those around us. Last but certainly not least, it’s about advocacy, perseverance, and hopefulness.
The pandemic has brought on challenges, fears, and uncertainties to the like that our generation has not yet experienced. We can use this time to collectively strengthen ourselves for ourselves, families, friends, clients, and colleagues.
The flexibility in the theme for this year’s conference is intentional. It is requested that the topics reflect all that Music Therapists are bound to, ethically, legally, and morally.
Nine openings are available for session presentations. Questions and concerns may be sent to Molly Pow, MS, MT-BC, Student Affairs Advisor at studentaffairs@maramta.org.
17th Annual MAR Passages Conference Session Proposal Form
Our 1st Online Passages Conference will be held Saturday, September 26th 9:00am-3:00pm. THANK YOU to Elizabethtown College for co-hosting remotely!
Please Note: MARAMTS Fall Business Meeting will take place Friday, September 25th 7:00pm.
DEADLINE TO REGISTER: Friday, September 4th. Deadline extensions will be limited and granted upon discussion. If you are unable to register by September 4th but plan on attending, please email Molly Pow, MS, MT-BC, Student Affairs Advisor ASAP.
Lastly: Online conference platforms will be announced soon. All needed information as planning continues will be sent out to registrants via e-mail.
We would LOVE for you to join us for a this groundbreaking, exciting, and meaningful experience!