CMTEs and Conference Schedule

MAR-AMTA Virtual Conference CMTE Offerings. April 4-6th.

CMTE’s are included in the price of conference for AMTA members. They can be purchased for an additional fee for non-members. The MAR-AMTA thanks the AMTA and symposium presenters for making their courses accessible to MAR conference attendees. 

Register now:


These courses will be virtual and live and recordings will be available for self study. 

  • Beyond Beats: Exploring Digital Music the Music Therapy Way (3 CMTE)
    • Presenter: Al Hoberman, MA, MT-BC, LCAT, Nicki Gelfand, MS, MT-BC
  • Resistance Music: Exploring Righteous Rage, Political Anthems, Liberation Movements and Implications for Music Therapy (3 CMTE)
    • Presenter: Zein Hassanein, MA, MT-BC, LPC
  • Engaging with Songs for Self Care in the Music Therapy Student Supervision  (Montclair State University Music Therapy Supervisor Workshop) (5 CMTE)
    • Presenters:Brian Abrams, PhD, LCAT, MT-BC; Amy Clarkson, MMT, LCAT, MT-BC, PAT, CP

AMTA-U Regional CMTEs

These courses are available courtesy of AMTA. They are pre-recorded for self study.  

  • Developing a Pre-Internship Supervision Program (5 CMTE)
    • Presenters: Joy Allen, PhD, MT-BC &  Brenda Ross
  • Tapping Into Your Inner Ethics (5 CMTE, 1 LCAT)
    • Presenters: Members of the AMTA Ethics Board: Cheryl Stephenson, MM, MT-BC, Jan Schreibman, MM, MT-BC, CCLS, Kevin Hahn, MT-BC, Rachelle Morgan, MA, MT-BC, Beth-Ann Kimura, MA, LPC, MT-BC, Adreinne Steiner-Beck, PhD, MT-BC, Justine Marsh, MA, MT-BC, Maxwell Thompson, MT-BC.
  • A Framework for Understanding and Using Music-Centered Music Therapy Assessments (3 CMTE, 3 LCAT)
    • Presenter: Elizabeth K. Schwartz, MA, LCAT, MT-BC

Full Conference Schedule:

Find Full Conference Schedule with Access Links and descriptions here.

Thursday, April 4th9:00am-12:00pmCMTE #1: (Live and via recording)
Resistance Music: Exploring Righteous Rage, Political Anthems, Liberation Movements and Implications for Music Therapy (3 CMTE): Zein Hassanein, MA, MT-BC, LPC

CMTE #2: (Live and via recording)
Engaging with Songs for Self Care in the Music Therapy Student Supervision  (Montclair State University Music Therapy Supervisor Workshop) (5 CMTE): Brian Abrams, PhD, LCAT, MT-BC; Amy Clarkson, MMT, LCAT, MT-BC, PAT, CP
5:00pm-5:30pmOpening Ceremonies and Platform Review
5:30pm-6:20pmState Task Force Meetings (Live and via Recording- Zoom Links are still being updated)
5:45pm-6:30pmDisable Music Therapists Affinity Meeting (Live Only)
The disabled music therapists’ affinity meeting is open to disabled music therapists and current music therapy students and interns in the MAR. Conference registration is not required to attend the affinity meeting. Facilitators for this meeting will be Kerry Devlin and Rachel Reed.
7:00pm-7:50pmKeynote: What Matters to Us: Cripping Music Therapy Values: Kerry Devlin, MMT, LPMT, MT-BC
8:00pm-9:00pmAffinity Groups (TBD)
Friday, April 5th8:00am-8:50amConcurrent Sessions #1
1. Music therapy and its effects on premenstrual syndrome (PMS): Lilly Vito, MT undergraduate student, Eun Sil Suh, Ph.D., KCMT, MT-BC, Kyurim Kang, Ph.D., NMT, MT-BC. Hyunjung Lee, Ph.D., NMT, KCMT, MT-BC 

2. Culturally Tuned; Enriching Hospice Internships with Sociocultural and Social Cognitive Theories: Pauline Broberg-Lewin MA, MT-BC, NMT 

3. Promoting Self-Determination in Music Therapy Clinical Supervision: Rebecca Townsend, MME, MT-BC 

4. Reentry Acculturation: Western-Trained Chinese Music Therapists’ Workforce Reentry Experiences: Yiqing Xiang, MMT, MT-BC 

5. An Investigation into Potential Implicit Bias in Music Therapist’s Clinical Music Choices: Kendall Joplin, MME, MT-BC 
9:00am-9:50amConcurrent Sessions #2
1. Practicing music therapy in the US, Sudan, the Netherlands, and Japan: Ai Nakatsuka, MA, MT-BC, NMT 

2. Reflexive practices in supporting the wellness and resiliency of rural hospital workers: Alysha Suley, MM, MT-BC, Angela M. Miller, MBA, SSBB, CPXP, C-TAGME, E.d.D 

3. Facilitating Thematic Music Therapy Groups with Older Adults with Dementia: Caroline Greco, LCAT, MT-BC, MS 

4. Voz Versátil: Enhancing Functional Vocal Skills for Music Therapists: Cindy Candelaria, DMA, Nicole Hahna, PhD, MT-BC 

5. Sound, Silence, and Spoken Word: Music as a Holistic Aesthetic of Experience: Noah Potvin, PhD, LPC, MT-BC 

6. Advancing Equity in a Private Practice Serving Older Adults, Rachelle Morgan, MA, MT-BC
10:00am-11:40amConcurrent Sessions #3
1. Exploring the Mixolydian Mode in Clinical Piano Improvisation: Dr. Suzanne Sorel, DA, LCAT, MT-BC, Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapist 

2. Tapping into your Inner Ethics: Jan Schreibman, MM, MT-BC, Maxwell Thompson, MT-BC, Adrienne Steiner, Ph.D., MT-BC 

3. Sociocultural Identities: Bridges and Barriers: Part Two: Jasmine Edwards, MA, MT-BC, Audrey Hausig, MMT, MT-BC 

4. “The Gray Areas of Hospice”: A Community Ethics Discussion: Zach Alfred-Levow, MT-BC, Pauline Broberg-Lewin, M.A., MT-BC, NMT, HP-MT, Gabi LaSasso, MT-BC 

5. Historically Hidden Voices in Research: Panel Discussion: Research Committee 
1:00pm-1:50pmConcurrent Sessions #4
1. Music Therapy for Service Members with Chronic Pain and Traumatic Brain Injury: Joke Bradt, PhD, MT-BC, Danielle Vetro-Kalseth, MM, MT-BC, Logan Walton, MA 

2. Developing Entry Level Clinical Musicianship Through Song Interpretation: Catherine Startup, MT undergraduate student 

3. Anthems 1-3: Blink-182 as a Microcosm for Developmental Stages Beyond Early Adulthood: Josh Stevenson, MMT, MT-BC, Elizabeth Stevenson, MT-BC 

4. Everybody Should Be In A Band: Jeffrey Friedberg MT-BC, LCAT 

5. Supporting Bereavement in LGBTQIA2+ Youth: Insights from Two Queer-Identified Music Therapists: Kate Myers-Coffman, PhD, MT-BC Caitlin Krater, MS, MT-BC

6. Death Song; The Gentle Art of Bereavement Songwriting: Pauline Broberg-Lewin, Gabriella LaSasso, MT-BC 

7. Music therapy for complex neurological disorders: latest evidence for clinical impact: Wendy L. Magee, PhD 
2:00pm-3:30pmMAR-AMTA Business Meeting
4:00pm-5:30pmMAR-AMTAS Business Meeting
6:00pm-8:00pmOpen Mic
6:00pm-8:00pmStudent Swap Shop
Saturday, April 6th8:00am-11:00amCMTE #3
Beyond Beats: Exploring Digital Music the Music Therapy Way (3 CMTE): Al Hoberman, MA, MT-BC, LCAT, Nicki Gelfand, MS, MT-BC
8:00am-8:50amConcurrent Sessions #5
1. The Long and Winding Road: Members of the 2024-2025 MAR Assembly Delegation, Lauren Stoner, MA, MT-BC, 2024-2025 MAR Assembly Chair 

2. “I’m Fine”: An Arts-Based Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Clinical Settings: Kendall Joplin, MME, MT-BC, Stephenie Sofield, MM, MT-BC 

3. “Finding Her Voice.” Working in Trauma with the Continuum Model of GIM: Makaria Psiliteli, LCAT, MA, MT-BC, MIT 

4. Queering Hospice Music Therapy: A Discourse on Queer Informed Considerations: Nadya Dereskavich, MT-BC 

5. Oxygen Mask: Helpers Learning to Help Themselves: Rachel Rotert, MM, MT-BC 

6. Professional Advocacy for the Music Therapist 101: Tracy S. Wanamaker, MSEd, MT-BC, Pauline Broberg-Lewin, MAMT, MT-BC, MSW, M Ed 

7. The experience of Asian music therapy students trained in the States: Yulin Wang, MMT, MT-BC, Meng-Shan Lee, PhD, MT-BC, NMT
9:00am-10:50amCommunity Forum
11:00am-12:30pmMAR-AMTA Business Meeting
1:20pm-2:50pmMAR-AMTAS Business Meeting
3:00pm-3:50pmAwards Ceremony
3:00pm-8:00pmAffinity Groups (TBD)

Conference Updates and Announcements

Anonymous Reviewers Needed! (1/13/2025) - We are in need of volunteers to be anonymous reviewers for conference submissions. If you submitted a presentation, you can still be an anonymous reviewer, I will just ensure that you do not get your own. The commitment is 1-5 hours, any volunteers get a certificate validating their service to the region which can be […]
Conference Presentation Proposals: A How To Guide (1/13/2025) - Please join the MAR-AMTA for this free 2 credit CMTE Live Monday, 1/13/25 7-9pm est & Recorded Conference Presentation Proposals: A How to Guide Have you considered submitting a conference presentation proposal, but feel unsure? Is there a clinical technique, a co-treat, an obstacle or triumph at school or work, a setting you’ve worked in, […]
2025 MAR-AMTA Annual Hybrid Conference Call for Papers is open! April 3rd-5th, 2025  (11/13/2024) - Hello MAR-AMTA! The Conference Planning Committee is so excited to be having a completely new format for conference this year! All concurrent sessions will be held virtually on April 3rd and 4th and at in person satellite sites on April 5th, 2025. The 2025 “Call for Papers” for our conference is officially open, and information […]
Affinity Group Meetings (4/3/2024) - MAR Regional Conference Affinity Spaces: These meetings are open to students and professionals in the MAR who identify as the socio-cultural identities/community of each group. (Conference Registration is not needed to attend.) Thursday, April 4th Saturday, April 6th
2024 Bylaws Revisions Proposals and Business Meetings (3/27/2024) - Please find the 2024 Bylaws Revision Proposals at this link. These will be read and discussed General Business Meetings and members (including students) will vote on approving these revisions to be sent out to the membership for electronic voting via email. Please direct questions or comments to the Bylaws Committee Chair, Amanda Montera at Here you […]
CMTEs and Conference Schedule (3/10/2024) - MAR-AMTA Virtual Conference CMTE Offerings. April 4-6th. CMTE’s are included in the price of conference for AMTA members. They can be purchased for an additional fee for non-members. The MAR-AMTA thanks the AMTA and symposium presenters for making their courses accessible to MAR conference attendees.  Register now: MAR-AMTA CMTEs These courses will be virtual and live […]
2024 Conference Rates and Registration (3/8/2024) - MAR-AMTA Regional Conference Rates April 4th-6th, 2024 Live Virtual and Asynchronous (watch on your own later) Register now: Conference Rates: Group Ticket Sale: Professional conference fees are based on a tiered dues structure rooted in equity that considers intersections and identities, specific life circumstances, and career stage. MAR-AMTA has adapted the system and language […]
2024 Annual Conference Call for Papers is open! (8/24/2023) - Hello MAR-AMTA! The Conference Planning Committee is so excited to be having another virtual conference! The 2024 “Call for Papers” for our conference is officially open, and information for submitting a proposal is below! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Allison Broaddrick, VPCP at her email address below. Thank you all and we look forward to receiving your proposals and hosting you VIRTUALLY in 2024...
2023 Elections Information (3/9/2023) - The Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee is responsible for preparing a slate of candidates for Regional elections (regular and special) and helping to facilitate the election and voting processes. The committee is made up of the Immediate Past President (chair of committee), and five (5) professional regional members representing five (5) different areas of the […]
MAR Events Conference App! (3/1/2023) - Hello MAR-AMTA & Beyond!  No matter if you are attending virtually, in person, or wanting to be part of meetings, you will want to download our Conference App! Within the app, you will be able to access the conference schedule, receive announcements, share photos, and even connect with friends and colleagues!  There are several ways […]

Past MAR Conferences

More information about previous Mid-Atlantic Region Music Therapy Conferences is available in the conference archives. Click here to access the archives.