News from the Commission on the Education and Clinical Training of 21st Century Music Therapists
On November 22, 2020, members of the Commission presented at the AMTA online national conference. They reviewed the history of the Commission and the themes that emerged from the feedback received on the two key questions and shared emerging themes related to the Commission’s five charges listed above.
- You can watch or listen to the Commission’s presentation (with closed captioning) at
- You can access a pdf of the slides at
- You can access a one-page summary of the emerging themes at
- You can also reach out to Jennifer Hicks, one of the Commission’s co-chairs, if you need a different format of any of these documents for greater accessibility.
The Commission is planning to participate in all 2021 regional conferences or other learning opportunities that regions might provide. The Commission’s focus in the spring will be on continuing to listen and learn from the MT community. To contribute your thoughts now, we encourage you to fill out our Google form, with a focus on the following questions:
- In creating more consistent educational outcomes, what is most important to you that we keep or add?
- In creating a more consistent clinical training model, what is most important to you that we keep or add?
- What have you done to help make our profession more financially sustainable for students, interns, and new professionals? What do you think we can or should do at the association level?
- What suggestions do you have for us as we seek to increase diversity in our profession?
- What suggestions do you have for ways we can better communicate with you during this process?
You can access the form here:
You can find contact information, history, and current initiatives of the Commission on our page on the AMTA website:
Thank you for sharing your ideas to help us move the profession forward together!