The mission of the Mid-Atlantic Region of the American Music Therapy Association is to advance public awareness of the benefits of music therapy, to increase access to quality music therapy services, and to provide support to its members within the Mid-Atlantic Region.
The links below provide information about job listings, CMTE opportunities, advocacy efforts, and resources in Pennsylvania.
Visit the Pennsylvania State Task Force Page
Job Listings

Continuing Education Opportunities
Pennsylvania specific provider information
- Find a Music Therapist in Pennsylvania
- Enroll as a provider with the PA Department of Human Services
- Contact the Behavioral Health Managed Care Organization in your county.
Facebook Groups
- Music Therapy PA State Task Force (@MTPASTF): Information repository related to licensure and the practice of music therapy in Pennsylvania. (Follow and Like)
- Pennsylvania Music Therapists Facebook Group (private group): General music therapy facebook group for MT-BCs living and/or working in Pennsylvania. Job postings appear here. (Join the group)
Pennsylvania licensure activity information
- Website geared towards legislators with news and information about music therapy in Pennsylvania
- What is Music Therapy Snapshot for use in quickly communicating what is music therapy; what music therapists do; and why professional licensure is needed
- Current legislation
General advocacy information