Welcome to the New Jersey State Task Force (NJSTF) on Occupational Regulation!
New Jersey has a long history of advocacy for state recognition. Over several years, prior to the NJSTF, groups of NJ music therapists wrote letters and traveled to Trenton to meet and interact with legislators in advocacy for the music therapy profession. When AMTA introduced the State Recognition Operational Plan in 2005, NJ had organized their first NJSTF with Kathy Murphy as Chair. By 2009, that NJSTF had created a sponsored bill draft for a Music Therapist Licensing Act; but due to political change, it was never introduced. The current NJSTF was organized in 2012 under the leadership of Richard Ehelebe, and in 2013 started to implement the AMTA plan. Some leadership changes have occurred since then, Alecia Meila and Paula Unsal became co-chairs in the fall of 2013; Paula Unsal assumed the Chair in August 2014 and at times, new members have replaced others due to changing circumstances. The current NJSTF is reflected below. Long term advocates, Lynn Coyle, who was one of those early advocates, served on the first NJSTF and served on the current NJSTF; and Brian Abrams who supported our advocacy serving on the MAR/AMTA/CBMT Advisory council to the first NJSTF and continues as a consultant to the current NJSTF deserve special thanks in our history of advocacy.
MAR State Task Force Charge
Each State Task Force is assigned a specific set of goals and operational guidelines by the Mid-Atlantic Region. Click the link below to access the NJSTF Charge approved by the MAR Executive Board.
New Jersey State Task Force MAR Charge 2023-2025
New Jersey State Task Force
Consulting Members
Email: newjerseytaskforce@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/418248938340381/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NJSTF