Dear members and friends of the MAR-AMTA,
The Bylaws Committee is happy to announce that all of the proposed changes to the MAR-AMTA Bylaws have passed. You can see the proposed changes here:
and the updated Bylaws can be found here:
In addition, the Nominating Committee is happy to announce the results of the 2023 Elections. Thank you for your service to the Region and our profession.
Amanda Montera
VP for MembershipLindsy Burns
VP for Conference Planning*special election will be forthcoming
Treasurer-ElectKendall Joplin
Government Relations Chair-ElectAaron Teague
Public Relations ChairPietra Scoleri
Assembly Delegates (in alphabetical order):
Brian Abrams
Ryan Carroll
Beth Deyermond
Kennth Farinelli
Lynn Gummert
Audrey Hausig (ex facto)
Kendall Joplin
Veronica Manges
Sarah Mayr
Bob Miller (ex facto)
Amanda Montera (ex facto)
Donna Polen
Liz Stevenson
Lauren Stoner
Assembly Alternates (in order of being called):
Breanna Bryce
Toby Williams
Juliana Joyce
Elyse Kochmanski
Vern Miller
Nicole Hahna
Melanie Walborn
Lindsay Burns
Molly Pow
Pauline Brobert-Lewin
Mary Holliday
Vacancy (due to lack of interest in running)
Vacancy (due to lack of interest in running)
Vacancy (due to lack of interest in running)
Of 385 members who were eligible to vote and sent emails, 52 completed a ballot (13.5%). For comparison, in the 2021 election 538 ballots went out and 58 were completed (10.7%). We hope to increase both membership and voter engagement through increasing inclusivity, safety, equity, accessibility, and justice in our structures, meeting space, and the services we provide.
Thank you to all who took part in the election and a special thank you to both the Bylaws and Nominating Committees for all of their work over the past two years.
We are planning our transition meeting for later this month and look forward to collaborating with our new executive board members.
In service,Beth Deyermond, Outgoing Immediate Past PresidentAudrey Hausig, Incoming President