Dear friends and members of the MAR,
I hope this email finds you well and safe during these difficult times. I know you have been receiving an increased number of emails over the past few weeks, and I hope they have not been too overwhelming. We recognize that not everyone uses social media and want to be sure that everyone has access to the information that is being made available. I do apologize for getting this information out to you later than I had hoped and understand that the turn around needs to be quick to complete what is being asked. Thank you for your flexibility, patience, and understanding. Please know that your voice is important and valued during this process.
The American Music Therapy Association is seeking input from members and non-members alike, asking for YOUR input on topics such as safe spaces, DEI issues, communication, and the search for AMTA’s new Executive Director.
Please complete a survey at by Wednesday, April 1, 2020. The survey is open to members and non-members, and we are especially interested in the voices and perspectives of members of our community who have experienced marginalization. Information from this survey will be used to inform the AMTA Board of Directors as we develop actionable plans related to the above topics, so we thank you for your time and feedback. Thank you for your input!
AMTA’s executive recruiter, Shira Lotzar, is hosting several Zoom calls to help inform all parties involved in the search for AMTA’s new Executive Director. Please note that there is a series of times over the next three days for general member/non-member conversations and one specifically geared towards marginalized persons.
ZOOM call open to ALL members, students, and non-members on the following three dates:
Monday 3/30 at 7:00PM EST (TODAY!)
Wednesday 4/1 at 8:30AM EST (note the morning time)
Thursday 4/2 at 9:00PM EST
The Zoom link for all calls is:
We are asking that those wanting to participate in the ALL member, student, non-member calls, please sign up here: to ensure there is no more than 100 participants per call.
ZOOM call to gain input from marginalized members on the search process will be on:
Monday 4/6 at 9:00PM EST
The Zoom link for this call is:
In addition, all music therapists are invited to complete the following survey: to share confidential insights for the Executive Director search. Survey deadline: Friday, 4/3.
Please see the information below from the MWR-AMTA regarding their move to an online conference on April 18 – 19, 2020. The conference is EXTREMELY reasonably priced and is FREE for students! I hope everyone gets to take advantage of the continuing education opportunities being offered. Please note that you must register for this conference by APRIL 4, 2020.
Hello Everyone,
As promised, we won’t be just one more cancelled event, instead we are excited to launch our first online conference, sponsored by the Midwest Region of AMTA, April 18 – 19, 2020!
Despite the uncertainty we all face as a country, it’s important that we continue our commitment to learning best clinical practices and research.
Registration is open now until April 4th. And because we are online, you can invite friends from other regions or even other countries to join!
We have reduced rates for ALL professionals to $65 for the concurrent session portion of the conference. CMTE workshops are also offered. Students can register for FREE!
For detailed information on the registration and refund process, please visit our website ( (registration form: INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE ALREADY REGISTERED DO NOT NEED TO REREGISTER.
Online Conference attendees can look forward to:
– Keynote presentation from Dr. Alicia Clair
– Research Poster Presentations
– Announcement of Service and Research Award Winners
– Over 15 concurrent sessions and 6 CMTEs
– Internship Fair
– Conference Program coming soon!
Nothing will ever take the place of being together, feeling the warmth, sincerity, and commitment of our wonderful music therapy community. While we are definitely feeling the loss that accompanies the need to cancel our regular conference, we are sincerely excited to support, connect, and engage meaningfully with you online.
In Service,
The MWR Board of Directors
Navigating this new “normal” is not easy. We recognize people may be struggling financially, physically, mentally, and socially and that it can be good to connect with others who are going through similar experiences. With that in mind, the MAR-AMTA Board would like to invite you to a weekly meeting, scheduled every Thursday night from 9:00pm – 10:00pm for music therapists to gather and check-in. This is designed to be an opportunity for mutual support and encouragement as well as a place to share questions, concerns and ideas and resources. Different people will be co-facilitating the online gathering each week. If you have any questions, please email Carol Ann Blank, VP of Membership at or Beth Deyermond at We hope to “see” you on Thursday!
Use the Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 856 756 389
Password: 730452
Or by phone:
+16465588656,,856756389# US (New York)