There has been so much happening over the past few weeks that we wanted to be sure to check in with our friends and members of the MAR. If you have any questions or concerns regarding COVID-19, the cancellation of our annual conference, or any other thought you would like to share, members of the MAR-AMTA Executive Board will be available on Thursday, March 19th and Friday, March 20th from 9:00PM – 10:30PM each evening to converse and answer any questions you may have. As always, we hope to see you there, but if you cannot make it, please feel free to email President Beth Deyermond at or Past President Mike Viega at
Be well. Stay healthy. Stay safe.
In service,
The MAR-AMTA Executive Board
Topic: MAR-AMTA Question and Answers; Membership Check-in
Time: Thursday and Friday at 9PM-10:30PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 844 804 281
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