The VASTF is gearing up for another exciting year. We are currently undergoing a Sunrise Review study through the Virginia Department of Health Professions (DHP) as mandated by our Music Therapy bill which passed in the most recent legislative session. This study identifies if there is a need for occupational regulation and to what degree (I.e. licensure, title protection, or registry). At the most recent DHP meeting, the research committee voted in favor of the need for licensure.
What does this mean? It means that we still have a long way to go, but this was a good step in the right direction. Members of the task force, along with other music therapists from the state, will be attending another DHP meeting on August 20th when the research committee will present their recommendations to the full Board. If the Board passes the recommendation on August 20, it will go up and down the chain of command with the final results being revealed in November of this year. A positive outcome from the Department of Health Professions will then have to go through the legislative process in 2020 with the end result being the governor’s signature creating a law.
While we are only in the beginning stages of this process, we are in it for the long-haul and are incredibly grateful for the wonderful support we have received from AMTA, CBMT, and MAR.
Tracy Bowdish & Shelby Reynolds, VASTF Co-Chairs