For those music therapists who provide music therapy services in Maryland (even if you live outside of Maryland),
The Board of Examiners for Audiologists, Hearing Aid Dispensers, Speech-Language Pathologists & Music Therapists is accepting applications for Music Therapy Licensure NOW thru January 31st 2022! Effective January 1, 2022 all music therapists will need to hold a license in order to practice music therapy within the State of Maryland. If you are currently a board-certified music therapist practicing music therapy in Maryland or providing virtual/remote music therapy sessions to individuals living in the state, you are required to apply for the license!
The application needs to be submitted online and mailed to the board so they receive it on or before Monday, January 31, 2022. Once licensed, it is the responsibility of the Music Therapist to maintain 40 Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) per licensing cycle (2 years).
The Maryland State Task Force are answering questions regarding licensure & the application process through emails. If you have any questions, please email us directly at:
For your convenience check out Instructions and the Music Therapist Licensing Check-List for the Application link and further details attached to help stay on track with your application process. This is a short application window – Do NOT procrastinate on this!
Your Maryland State Task Force and MAR Government Relations Team,
Stephenie Sofield, MM, MT-BC, Government Relations Chair
Tatyana Martin, MMT, MT-BC, Co-Chair, Government Relations Chair-Elect
Liz Smith, MT-BC, Co-Chair
Mary D’Amato, MT-BC
CJ Shiloh, MT-BC
Sarah Monroe, Student Representative