Dear Members and Friends of the MAR-AMTA,
The 2020 MAR-AMTA Conference will, for the first time, be held ONLINE on June 6 – 7, 2020! The conference committee is committed to continued education and sharing of current best practices and has been working tirelessly to bring you another dynamic conference with TWO full days of stimulating continuing education, concurrent sessions, networking opportunities, and entertainment all from the comforts of your home (CLICK HERE FOR SCHEDULE). The conference is open to music therapists from around the country…and even around the world…and we encourage all music therapists to join us. Registration is open NOW and will be open through June 3rd. (CLICK HERE FOR CONFERENCE REGISTRATION )
The online platform allows for a large amount of continuing education credits starting with earning 5 CMTE’s just for attending. In addition, ALL of the concurrent sessions will be recorded and available for 30 days after the conference. MT-BC’s can claim up to 36 credits by watching the sessions either in real time and/or via recording. Please CLICK HERE to see the more information regarding continuing education credits specific to board certification and LCAT’s.
Online Conference attendees can look forward to:
Over 35 concurrent sessions and 6 CMTEs
- Keynote Presentation: Resilience, Compassion, and Growth: Recovering and Learning from Stress by Ami Kunimura, MA, MT-BC
- Presentation from the 21st Century Commission of Music Therapists
- Town Hall with AMTA President Debroah Benkovitz-Williams
- Open meeting with MAR-AMTA’s Cultural Humility, Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion (CHADI) Committee
- Awards Ceremony
- Virtual Internship Fair
- Affinity Group Gatherings
- Virtual Yoga Class
- Quarantine Quizzo Trivia Night
- Virtual Open Mic
The conference committee has worked very hard and is doing everything possible to keep the conference rate as low as possible for this year considering all of the hardships and difficulties that have come up during these unprecedented times. We hope that these introductory rates to our first online conference will allow as many people as possible to attend.
Please note, due to the quick turnaround surrounding this conference, we are not able to process checks as payments for this event. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Professional Registration
Student Registration
CMTE Only Registration
$15.00 (+ cost of CMTE)
Remember… you must register by June 3rd. We are not able to accommodate late registrations. LINK TO REGISTRATION
And be sure to check out the full and diverse slate of presentations and gatherings that will be offered: LINK TO OUR FULL SCHEDULE
This online conference will take place using the Crowdcast platform. This platform is NOT compatible with Firefox or Safari internet browsers. Please make sure you use a compatible internet browser such as Chrome.
Looking for session moderators
We are in need of tech savvy people who are interested in moderating via the Crowdcast platform for our online sessions. This opportunity is open to anyone that is interested, and is not limited to MAR members. Moderators will be responsible for:
1.) Attending a mandatory training on Sunday May 24th (time TBD) to learn the basics of Crowdcast through Zoom.
2.) Coach presenters before June 5th on the basics of Crowdcast presenting.
3.) Obtain a copy of your presenter(s) slides before June 6th.
4.) Meet with your presenter(s) within the “green room” on Crowdcast to work on technical issues at minimum 10 minutes before the presentation.
5.) Moderators will alternate every other session, or less depending on the total number of moderators.
6.) Moderators will stay within their assigned session for the entirety of the presentation.
7.) During your assigned session(s), work alongside presenter(s) for a smooth presentation.
8.) If there are 3 or more presenters, moderators will maintain who is “promoted” to speaker.
9.) At the end of the conference, complete an evaluation form.
There is opportunity for discounted conference rates if you moderate.
If you are interested, please complete THIS GOOGLE FORM form ASAP, and you will be contacted by a member of the conference committee. If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact Lauren Faggiano at
The Cultural Humility, Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion (CHADI) Committee will be hosting an open meeting on Saturday, June 6th at 7pm. This meeting will be open to both affinity groups and allies to share ideas and continue conversations. You do not have to be registered for the conference to attend this meeting. It is open to both conference attendees and non-conference attendees.
Meeting ID: 796 715 1206
Password: 020546
In addition, on Sunday June 7th at 8pm there will be several closed affinity group meetings that will be available both for conference and non-conference attendees. The Asian Music Therapy Network, Black Music Therapy Network, Disabled Music Therapy Network, Latinx Music Therapy Network and LBGTQ+ Affinity Group will host individual, closed meetings to provide a space for those who self-identify as members of the specific community to gather. Zoom links will be provided for each affinity group meeting as they become available.
The Asian Music Therapy Network
Meeting ID: 926 3182 4382
Password: 943551
LBGTQ+ Affinity Group
Meeting ID: 935 2759 0214
Password: 690888
Blank Music Therapy Network
Meeting ID: 717 0486 4049
Password: 783568
As part of the 2020 MAR-AMTA Online Conference, all national roster and university affiliated sites are invited to join the virtual internship fair. The fair will be held on Saturday, June 6th from 3-4pm. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
To register your internship site for the fair, please fill out this form at the following link: