19:04:25 Once I hit that button let's see go 19:04:37 Sorry plan is after we do this, to share it with membership on our website in other places, so that those who can't be here tonight. 19:04:45 Can, you know? listen in on the information, and reach out if they have any different questions or things afterwards. 19:04:57 So I guess i'll stall for that minute while we're seeing who else comes in. 19:05:01 But I also want to echo Clarissa and saying, thank you to everybody for being here tonight. 19:05:08 You know it's nice to see so many different people there's some names of people I haven't come across in a while, so it's it's good to get to lacy come into this space with us tonight for those of 19:05:17 you that I Haven't met yet my name is bob miller I'm, the current president of the region and the goal for tonight is to really do just as Clarissa set to share some information reviewing what's been 19:05:30 shared already, you know if there's any gaps that we can fill in to fill in, and then to really open the floor for that discussion and reactions. 19:05:41 And just to see what we can do. we do want to try and honor the time that we had set for it to be an hour tonight, because I know everybody's. busy. 19:05:47 But if we need to stay a little longer we can certainly do so. 19:05:52 But I think we'll go ahead and just dive into it so we can get into that time while we're sharing the updates here. 19:06:04 You know I will ask if there's questions just to wait until the end of it. 19:06:08 It's not going to be that long for sharing but that way. 19:06:11 Just we can share the information and then fill things in and then, if there is different information that you know we have then other people might join in with the sharing, just to make sure that we're getting the most up-to-date. 19:06:25 information. So let me go ahead and just kind of bring review what what has happened so far? 19:06:32 What has been and you know, kind of go from there so really a lot of this started at the beginning of May, and that was when the information was brought to the board of directors from Adonia Calhoun coats who's saying 19:06:52 that when they need to have an immediate emergency meeting of the Board of Directors to discuss finances, and she had been brought the information that things were in a really tight situation, which in some ways was expected for this time of year because in 19:07:07 the discussion. It sounds like this is the time you hear where the funding does get lower. 19:07:12 A lot of the funds from the conference in the fall. 19:07:17 And so that was, you know, always expected to be a little tight there. 19:07:19 But between sounded like shifting the fiscal year from the July June to the January to December fiscal year changed when some things come out and just a few different factors that it was 19:07:33 a lot bigger of an issue than what was expected. And so the emergency meeting was had, and from there it was, you know, decided to just work towards restructuring and see what we could do as an organization to stay afloat one of the things that 19:07:52 I heard some clarification on which I appreciated all of this talk of restructuring tonight for these updates. 19:07:59 This is focused on this point almost solely on the financial setting of where we're at, and so restructuring in that way is talking about seeing what we could do to keep ourselves afloat to stay more stable it's 19:08:13 not inclusive of all of the work that has been acknowledged that needs to happen to look at the structures that have been in place. 19:08:21 The way things are organized. The way things have been, you know, run trying to improve all the things that membership have been asking for. 19:08:30 That work is going to happen. But this immediate focus is more on the financial piece. 19:08:36 So for that restructuring that's what that term is covering at this point. 19:08:41 So from there you know that's where the email went out and the communication to all of us about seeking donation real rules and seeing what we can bring in in that point to help things keep going and get a good sense of where we're 19:08:58 at not too long after that is, when they started speaking with. 19:09:04 Make sure I get this the name right like the chief legal council to Amta, and I don't have linkedin, but I'm going to share the link that they have. 19:09:15 So if you have looked at Linkedin, you can check into it. 19:09:18 Here is that his name is jonathan Friedland Friedman. 19:09:23 I'm sorry I haven't heard his last name said but they were starting to look at You know. 19:09:28 What can we do to stay going? What things do we need to change And that's where there are looking at spending some different operations, changing. 19:09:36 Some of the staff canceling the national conference. you know all of those things to reduce cost to really bring it to the bare minimum of what's needed. 19:09:46 But to be able to use our finances as best as we can in the moment. 19:09:52 Shortly after that there was a board meeting, and then Jonathan Friedland was formally retained to be one legal counsels for this and one of the things that him and also the other gentlemen time clicking between 19:10:10 things, because I have everything pulled open the chief executive or chief restructuring officer there is Matthew Brash. 19:10:20 I'll put his link in there, too. you know that they were both brought on at a not pro bono, but low bono, you know, willing to drastically reduce their fees to be able to help out that was supposed 19:10:35 to be his link. I will work on that in a moment so I'm not trying to type and talk at the same time, but so they were. 19:10:44 They were both brought in to work with this and that's where some of the changes made, and they cancelled the conference they have, since you know, put out and share that they're doing what they can to really keep the students and 19:11:00 the schools, and that piece supported they're continuing to do the Government relations work. 19:11:05 You know they have 4 people that are still on from the national office on staff, and I'm going to put that link in here as well 19:11:21 All right. I lost it already. Clarissa, would you be able to pull that up from the website and put it in the chat for me? 19:11:28 Thank you. So you know. Sorry. too many windows. I keep losing things 19:11:42 There we go. So that was where the communication was sent out to everyone about some of the changes. 19:11:52 The one on June the second. Thank you, Lauren, for putting that up, too, for Matthew Brash. 19:11:58 So this was the first update we received, and I put the link in there. 19:12:04 So talking about the changes that are going on trying to figure out how to best navigate through this. 19:12:11 And you know just to say that at this point the process they were looking at was taking 6 months, and that was a timeline that came from the chief restructuring officer. 19:12:20 I want to share 2. I thought this was interesting information that's not a title that came from a Mta, or from the Board of Directors. 19:12:29 A chief restructuring officer is actually just what he does as his job. 19:12:34 So that's where that title came from because we had been hearing about him. 19:12:38 And then I started hearing the term chief restructuring officer then That's when I learned about that. 19:12:43 So I know that's just what this person does that both have a lot of experience navigating with organizations through this type of crisis. 19:12:53 One of the things that was shared was that in some ways they were surprised that we were doing as well as we were, because they had seen a lot of large organizations that were running into these types of issues through Covid and all the things that have 19:13:05 been going on there. Thank you, Clarissa, for sharing that link. 19:13:09 The links you put into the chat is the current national office staff. 19:13:15 So then they had the restructuring meetings that were going on. 19:13:19 They're looking at, trying to look ahead. to see what the cash flow is over the weeks of head to try ahead to try and figure out again where it's at and that keeps getting updated. 19:13:31 The June the fifteenth communication went out about the core functions, about keeping things going and retaining the the support for the students, and that in turns, in that the journals and the resources are still operating. 19:13:46 And then you can still do book orders, and that piece of it the function or the communication. 19:13:53 After that was shared the next day about the leadership update, and this was the announcement on June the sixteenth that Adonia Calhoun Coates was stepping down from her position as the chief executive 19:14:06 officer, and that was something that came as a surprise but then, in hearing more about it. It was something that came from Aania where she looked at the situation She looked at what was going on, and she decided that she didn't feel she 19:14:20 had the resources or the knowledge to be able to guide the organization through this. 19:14:25 So, instead of staying on in the role that she was, she stepped away from that. and then a lot of her duties or typical things are currently temporarily being looked at by the chief restriction officer. 19:14:41 So that functioning can continue from there lost it again. 19:14:51 I need to start clicking between things that's what i'm learning 19:14:58 There we go, and really from there there was a board of directors meeting, and then one more communication. 19:15:07 That was officially announcing the names of Matthew Brash and Johnson Friedland. 19:15:12 And then there was an assembly meeting that shared a lot of the same information. 19:15:18 You know that's more of it where it's at right. now. 19:15:22 There's not a lot of information that has been shared, and in some ways can be shared. 19:15:29 When this first started in conversations with laura gooding and other people sounded like things were updated almost hourly where they'd get new information and new directions to consider and new things that may or may not work and so it 19:15:41 was difficult to share anything, because nothing was concrete that sounds like it's slowing down a little bit, but it's still sharing where they can. 19:15:51 Some things it's not having the official like here's where it's at to be able to share it some things are not able to share, because it could impact other things going on such as currently the amta is negotiating 19:16:04 with some of the different creditors, and we have just to try and see what can be reduced. 19:16:10 What can be forgiven, and if information is shared publicly about those things, and what's going that could impact those negotiations and the outcomes of it. 19:16:20 So some of the information has been, you know kind of held back because of those types of reasons. 19:16:28 So we're just kind of waiting to see how things go as it comes. 19:16:35 They are looking ahead some to try and you know see where things might go. 19:16:41 They're looking at again, working with other creditors they're looking at, really seeing. 19:16:48 Can they stay? Can we stay afloat? Will we have to go into bankruptcy, which does not end the organization? 19:16:54 But it's just a different approach, for dealing with the financial situation, and what's going to happen for from there, you know they're hoping to be able to or they have a deadline which i'm not going to share because I don't know if 19:17:09 it's one of those that we can of when to agree if we're doing bankruptcy, or not and that's you know, within the next month, just for General timeline for what's being looked at after that then 19:17:22 They're going to have their tentative Mid-year Board meeting, and they're looking at really having a lot of community meetings in September, and opportunities to meet with membership to directly and hear feedback and answer 19:17:34 questions kind of go from there. Other updates. You may or may not have heard that they are planning on having a false symposium now, instead of the conference. 19:17:45 So much smaller scale online offering for continue education and no gathering in the fall. 19:17:53 I think they're still working on the dates for that many of the regions are doing the similar kind of thing, because when it was announced, the conference was not going to take place we all started moving to try and fill it 19:18:06 in, and at the time they weren't even sure if they could do a fall thing, So that's why it was not done right away, or said that that was going to happen. So For instance, for us we're looking at 19:18:18 November the fifth. do a one day symposium we're working on the details for that. 19:18:23 But that will certainly be shared, You know soon when we have do that, and other regions are as well. 19:18:30 I believe Great Lakes is looking at doing a lot of different offerings throughout the fall. 19:18:35 The western region, I think, is hold for theirs right now to support the national one that's going to be taking place. 19:18:41 So there are things like that still going on and then we're just going to kind of see what comes and keep moving forward as a region. 19:18:52 We're financially sound right now, just to share that we are able to continue moving forward with all the things that we have had in place. 19:18:59 We're still working on preparing for our conference it's going to be in Niagara falls next spring. 19:19:04 We are, you know, working like, I said, to put together that symposium. 19:19:08 All of the things that we have had in place are still in place. 19:19:13 We will learn new information as it shared, and see how that may or may not impact where things are for us. 19:19:21 You know I don't have any things in mind where if we hear something. it's going to be one where the other. we're all pretty much in the similar situation to everyone here where we don't have a lot of information yet and we're just 19:19:35 kind of learning it as it's able to be shared So, before I open it up, I just want to say for anybody else on the board, or is there anything else to add that I missed or you know from the assembly honor you're on here, if 19:19:51 there's anything I missed You know Please feel free to Raise your hand to to share it at this point. 19:19:56 Yeah go ahead Donna thanks, Bob, Hi, everybody i'm lowering my hand. 19:20:04 I'm Donna Poland i'm on the regional board in the role of regional assembly chair. 19:20:11 So there was an assembly meeting a few weeks ago, the first meeting of the 2022, 2023 assembly, and Amta President Laurie Gooding was there as was President like Angie Snow was there Anyone 19:20:29 else from the ama board. I don't think so But Laurie did share a timeline starting with what Bob had shared when we first heard about everything that was going going on, and kind of through the end of this 19:20:50 year with the understanding that dates could change, things could come off. 19:20:56 The timeline things could belong. But this was created in consultation with the lawyer and the Co. 19:21:02 And the Board of Directors, and they will be sharing that on the website. I believe soon. 19:21:09 I took some notes. they're really messy so i'm not going to show them now. 19:21:13 But if you you want to see sort of the messy notes that I took from that meeting feel free to send me an email and i'm happy to share it. 19:21:24 The email Address Assembly share at Marampta. 19:21:27 Dot org is on the and the our website 19:21:34 Thank you, Donna, for adding that 19:21:40 I don't remember if I said or not but the current goal is to really try and have this restructuring process completed by the end of the year, and obviously, like Donna just shared all that could change things could come up new 19:21:55 information new learning that could change that date but that's the current goal. 19:22:02 And again that's the financial restructuring all of the meetings have been going on. 19:22:06 I know they shared that the ddi committee has been in all the meetings. 19:22:12 There's a lot of talk about all the work that will need to continue, and has to happen in order for the organization to really be recreated in a way that can better support all of the membership. 19:22:23 And so that work is going to be taking place. Judy, I see you have your hand race. 19:22:28 Go ahead and think so. I cut myself off. Thank you for being here tonight. 19:22:32 Thank you. I just wanted to make sure that everybody knew that the the National Office office space has officially been closed, and so 19:22:42 We have a new mailing address I don't think it's supposed to get on the website. but I can provide it in the chat. 19:22:49 So people know. I mean our mail is getting ported, but all of us that are remaining. 19:22:53 There are 3 full time staff and then kimball. is doing still doing our remote work, answering the info at music therapy. org she's been doing that for years. 19:23:04 So she's still on but there's diane wars us and Jane Creegan and I are the only 3 staff left, and we're all remote and so there's no physical office space for those 19:23:13 of you who have been there in the past that's one of the biggest changes from a staff perspective 19:23:24 Thank you for sharing that. I knew that negotiations were going on, but I didn't hear anything because I didn't want to say again, not wanting to impact it, so I appreciate you sharing that for those of you 19:23:35 that were not familiar. The office space was a really big financial burden for the Association, because the space was so much more than what we were using. 19:23:46 And the lease, you know kind of had us in that so i'm glad that was able to change 19:23:55 Somebody else out there. It is I was gonna say somebody else's hand was up. 19:23:58 Go ahead, Tutti on it. Hi. I just wanted to let everyone know that as government relationships and Stephanie So, Field being government relations chair, currently all the advocacy work done with the task forces is still 19:24:17 continuing. None of that will stop, and we still get support from the national team. 19:24:24 So you don't have to worry about all of that work just completely stopping because it's actually still continuing. 19:24:30 And it's not being impacted significantly in any ways. as far as having to stop bills or anything like that. 19:24:37 Everything is still continuing. 19:24:42 Thank you for sharing that. That is important information. Then the address is in the chat. 19:24:48 So thank you for sharing that, Judy 19:24:54 So I think, unless there's anything else I missed that's pretty much the updates at this point. 19:25:00 So i'm gonna turn it back over to Clarissa for a moment. 19:25:05 Thank you, Bob, and thank you so much for sharing all of that information with all of us. 19:25:12 At this time i'd like to invite people to raise your hand if you have anything you'd like to share any reactions, any questions which we will answer as best we can. 19:25:23 But do keep in mind that our our information is current as of June 20, ninth. 19:25:29 We don't really have as as the mar amta executive board. 19:25:33 We don't really have real time insight into the processes, but we will do the best that we can, and forward questions as we can to the appropriate form. 19:25:45 I will meet myself. i'll wait for raised hence thank you 19:26:28 Yes, Michelle, please go ahead. Hi so i'm i'm trying to lower my hand at do this at the same time, so I know we don't know a lot what's with Amta but I am wondering if the 19:26:43 executive board along with the other region. Executive Boards is talking about worst case scenario, Amta bankruptcy. 19:26:52 How are the regions? Are we figuring out self-sustaining plans? 19:26:57 Can we still exist? What Because i'm sure we've got to be starting to think about that? 19:27:06 Because we don't know. go to worst case scenario trying to figure out things. 19:27:09 So i'm wondering if those kind of things have been started to be discussed on the board. 19:27:15 I'm sure you Can't go into detail but that's my question. 19:27:21 Thank you, michelle. I can't share that we did learn if Amta is completely no more for whatever reason we are able to continue on as regions, so it doesn't mean if amta for whatever reason has to dissolve it doesn't 19:27:35 mean that we suddenly are no more. as far as what that would look like there haven't been a lot of deep conversations about where that would go at this point, because that is not what's looking like is on the table even if it's 19:27:51 bankruptcy. it's the organization is still an organization at that time, and so we would still be able to work together with the pure speculating. If that were where it would be to go you know I don't know the regions 19:28:04 could set themselves up independently like it would, I would have to go through the process of really setting ourselves up to be established. 19:28:15 As you know all the pieces of the organization, we're right now where the subsidiary you know of Amta. but we would need to set ourselves up as the corporation, and all of those things to be the truly independent 19:28:26 nonprofit for that, so that's able to be done again, speculating who knows? 19:28:33 Regions could choose to join together and set things up. 19:28:37 We could all join together as regions this I think I really don't know what would happen, but we don't have a lot from that at this point, as far as what we might do, because we just haven't had enough information to really 19:28:49 go there yet. Thank you for the question. 19:28:57 It is that I see your video. Your hands up do you have a question. 19:29:03 Okay, let's go ahead and unmute yourself, then and you know. feel free to share. 19:29:07 Sorry. Yeah, I couldn't find the icon for raising a hand, so I could not do it, or you know that way. 19:29:13 Can there be? If that did happen, could there be some kind of a stronger connection among the region to make up for that? 19:29:25 To the loss of the National. I mean in short i'm sure there could be again. 19:29:32 I don't have any ideas of what that would look like I can share. You know there's always a regional President's group, and you know there's been emails going back and forth again. 19:29:44 Not really a lot in depth, but just looking for ways that we can all support each other as we go through this process, and we learn, you know. 19:29:51 Make changes for what's happening the regions have been coordinating. 19:29:56 For instance, those who are doing things in the fall. for continuing education to try and make sure it's not happening at the same day, and you know, to not overlap. 19:30:06 And those, so I think the support would be there between the regions. 19:30:10 As far as specifically what that would Look like I don't have an answer for you at this point. 19:30:16 That's okay. thank you, thank you 19:31:15 People are considering. if they have something to share i'm gonna ask the question and answer it because one of the questions that first came to mind. and I've heard from a lot of people is like, How could this happen how could this kind of information 19:31:24 not be known, and that the Association could get to a point like this. 19:31:29 And you know, just to share from our own history it wasn't too long ago that it, as a region we realized that the way we had been spending was not lining up with the funding that we had and you know we were almost 19:31:43 bankrupt as a region, and thankfully we were able to uncover what was going on, and see where we were dipping, and didn't realize we were double dipping and be able to course, correct but sometimes things feel like they're 19:31:56 going in the right direction. Then all of a sudden information comes to light, and it's like, Oh, so that's kind of I feel like that's similar in some ways to where this was here just once the information came Then it's the 19:32:08 response and try to work with it. but we were really surprised. 19:32:12 I remember that was being talked about at my first meeting, transitioning in as the President elect. 19:32:20 You know, that was kind of the introduction. was that big discussion I was like, Oh, okay. 19:32:24 So here we are trying to figure out how to do things differently to that. 19:32:27 We can sustain, and, you know, build things back up 19:32:56 I see your hand, Paula, please go ahead. Hi! hi! hi! 19:33:00 I just have a question. I don't know how they finances work in terms of more. 19:33:07 Yeah, just market any monies from Amta. Is there any impact in that regard 19:33:18 So Oh, do you? I thought I would try to give you a break for talking 19:33:26 So we do receive monies from Amta from the mar members membership fees. 19:33:36 There's a portion of that that comes directly to the region. 19:33:39 I I believe on a quarterly basis, and 19:33:44 I think that that you know obviously if the if the organization would be no longer then then that wouldn't that wouldn't be coming into our organization. 19:33:55 But then we'd have to find out figure out some other funding streams. Bob, is there anything that I've left out that I should. 19:34:02 I don't have the exact number but I think it's something small like, if I remember correctly, 3% of our budget is what comes from those membership dues. 19:34:13 So it would impact us but it wouldn't be suddenly we're loss of half of our funding, and I think something to add, as I understood it, is, that we get that percentage. 19:34:27 As it comes in each quarter, so it's not evenly distributed through the year. 19:34:33 So because membership starts in january most of what we would normally get. 19:34:37 We've already gotten so it won't be affected too much for this year. 19:34:42 Now people are not showing and there's already been a drop in membership that affects us. 19:34:47 But it won't as kind of the year moves on thank you for the question, And, Emily, I see your hand up as well go ahead. 19:35:01 Oh, I was just wondering if there had been any talk. 19:35:05 Amongst people or the organization, seeing as this did come up, and there were financial issues about making the fight finances of Amta more transparent. 19:35:16 To begin with especially to people that it's like is it worth my membership. 19:35:20 If I don't know that my money is being used responsible. 19:35:25 So has there been any talk with this, with the change in leadership, in increasing the transparency of the financials of Amta for or its members, and things like that 19:35:39 Without having the lot of direct information that I can share. I do want to say yes. 19:35:45 I also can share that part of what's going on in the restructuring is really looking at the funding structure that we have, which currently right now is membership based. 19:35:56 But they're looking at ways to shift it to be more donation don't have the right words, but other funding streams, aside from membership, only being the part of it. 19:36:07 So I would hope in that there would be clarity on like how money is coming in, where it's going, and those kinds of things, so that we can see more of that transparency. 19:36:18 But when this is done, the idea is that we will not be going immediately back to the main funding source of the organization is membership only 19:36:51 Brian, please go ahead. Thank you. Yeah. So so thank you for this. 19:36:59 And and also the assembly and so I've been trying to pay his close attention to leads events as possible. 19:37:13 Have also been the part of the organization over the years and sort of watching. 19:37:16 This cost is and so I wanted to certainly back to the question of being lost here. 19:37:24 Just how did you get here? I I do think that that's a a particular need. 19:37:31 It's not just I I don't for what I can sure I don't believe It's just simply a matter of making the wrong decisions financially. 19:37:43 It's not justin that Well, I know I appreciate that tonight. 19:37:48 We're setting boundary and saying that the discussion about and not about things. 19:37:54 For example, like the Gpi work for state. However, I want. 19:37:58 I really would love for our attention to at least at least for us to consider. 19:38:04 Let's say, about the connections which between how people feel included. 19:38:11 How people feel there's transparency how people feel that Amta actually represents the work that they do that. it represents music therapy, as many of us understand it. 19:38:23 Many of us feel throughout the years that really has not at least been national level. 19:38:29 And then it's ignored voices to that in fact, we've advised many of us have advised the Mta. 19:38:35 That they need a development person they've had them pass just alluded to that. 19:38:39 And that suggestion we'll see more here after year to get a full time development person where is it? 19:38:48 So I think, you know, I think we really need to look systemically at some of the factors that I've informed this, and I do believe that M. 19:38:58 Are, can be part of the leadership with that asking that question and doing some honest self inquiry. 19:39:05 Now parts again with humility about this and and how this There's a direct connection between this our organization and our financial bill. 19:39:18 This did just come out of the board. so I I just wanted to put that out there. 19:39:24 Long time. Concern: Number: Yeah. So it Thank you very much. 19:39:37 And Brian. I thank you for that perspective, and I I do for those of you who were not at the Assembly meeting on the 20 ninth. 19:39:47 There was a very that very important point was raised there as well. 19:39:49 How the the the feelings of inclusion and exclusion as music therapists, and our different intersectional identities, and how we practice is directly connected to the to the financial streets that we see ourselves in and 19:40:06 i'll just reflect, as in in my position as vice President for membership. 19:40:11 That is one of the reasons why have not done a huge traditional membership drive. 19:40:16 Because I really felt that there was a real need to restructure. 19:40:23 How we're engaging members first to have something to offer potential members, and on also just general music. 19:40:29 There it be community members in order to entice membership to become reengaged. 19:40:34 And that is, you know, something that yeah, that that has been on my mind a lot in my position. 19:40:44 And And yeah, I think that there was also a call for the restructuring of the system to really taken to account. 19:40:55 The Dei work as we are doing the financial restructuring, and my hope is that that call has been heard as well among the 19:41:06 The Executive Board as Mta 19:41:34 Sarah, please go ahead. hi i'm just wondering if There's any possible scenario in which Amta can force us to pay some sort of dues or registration similar to what we have to do with 19:41:51 Cbmt. to maintain our credential. Is it possible for Amta to force that upon us as well 19:42:05 Again to share I don't know i've not heard of anything like that being tossed out. there. 19:42:10 I don't think that is something that is being considered at this time, you know, and for the organization Amta as it itself, I don't know if there's any grounding for that like with Cbm T okay it's a certification 19:42:26 there's fees for that a lot of licenses have that. 19:42:29 But as far as the American music therapy association goes I don't see anything like that that could be there other than you know that if you're a part of the organization you pay dues to be part of it as has been going 19:42:42 on, you know. unless unless that shifts but I don't think they could force us to be a member of in order to continue practicing. 19:42:51 Well, that's a good question, 19:42:58 Brian Hunter, I see your hand up 19:43:03 Brian, you're still muted 19:43:08 Bob, just to reinforce what you just said. To answer that question is no, that the Amc. should not do that, and would not do that. 19:43:18 Thank you, Brian. 19:43:56 Bob yeah kind of can go circle back to how that you made early early on when you're in your information . 19:44:05 Seem like it is correct. you have made the statement that it was determined that if Amt didn't exist that the regions could still exist on their own. 19:44:16 I think that's what you said is like they have that correct I'm just curious as to where that where that information came from stated that way. 19:44:26 My understanding, and if somebody knows different, please correct me. But it was they were looking through the charter to see how it was structured, and so there was nothing in the way. 19:44:34 The charter was, which you know the charter is the agreement that we, the region signed with the national organization for how we're all set up, and there was nothing in that that says we would have to dissolve if amt was no 19:44:48 more so. I don't know like the specifics for how that came to, because I didn't read through it myself. but my understanding was just that there was nothing in it that was found. that said we would have to shut down if if a amt a 19:45:00 longer. so I guess i'm still curious as to who interpreted that before you, because what you're saying I understand what you're saying What concerns me in that is, that, while it may not see the head he should die it 19:45:17 doesn't say they can continue which is I think the more important point So that's why i'm just curious as to where that information came from, and who interpreted that for you would have to look back through. 19:45:27 A and see if I have that. Okay. The way the way it was worded to us was that we would be able to continue, and I shared it differently. 19:45:36 But I will see if I can look and find that and you know if I can. 19:45:40 I'll pass it along. Okay, thanks because those tax numbers obviously flow directly from Amtas tax number, and that's critical piece back, Bob. 19:45:51 Yeah, of course, thank you for asking when it was discussed with us at a President's meeting in which I believe it was in May or in June. 19:46:04 Possibly President Good. and was there. Adania was there, and they there were a lot of questions about the text. 19:46:13 What would happen with the taxes. you know things have to be file differently with it to be set up differently, and I don't believe it was answered specifically. 19:46:22 It's something that would have to be looked at. but I understood it the same way as Bob said, that the regions could continue, although there would be steps to be taken 19:46:42 Oh, please go ahead. in regards to that if amta filed bankruptcy. What do you think that would mean for more if we're thinking along those lines? 19:46:54 It's tied to am t a my understanding is that at that point nothing would necessarily change, because the organization would still be an organization. 19:47:08 It would just be going through the bankruptcy process which I honestly have limited knowledge about what that would mean. 19:47:13 But it would still be present, which means that the structure of all the regions having a relationship with the national organization would still be in place 19:47:29 I can add just a little bit to that a very little. 19:47:34 But under the bankruptcy process you have to develop. 19:47:39 The organization has to develop a a plan for going forward that shows progress that has to be court approved, and the creditors have to sign off on 19:47:49 There would be some in bombers somehow. the relationship to the regions, but it's not the regions finally backup. 19:47:56 See it's a mta that's about all I want to say, because that's about the end of my my knowledge. 19:48:01 But it. what What it rests on is a court approved plan for going forward. 19:48:06 That Lets you continue to be in association and do the things that you hope to try to do. 19:48:13 But you've got to convince the court that you're going to be successful financially in that process, and your creditors have to at to sign on and and create to it as Well, that's about 2,000% more than I could share 19:48:26 so, thank you. I appreciate that and please don't quote me anywhere, because I i'm not an attorney, but that much I do know. 19:48:34 Having read a little bit about bankruptcy. Got you? Thanks, Brian. Edie. 19:48:41 I see your hand up. Please go ahead 19:48:50 Okay, Okay, Thank you. Part of our purpose of this town Hall meeting. 19:48:55 Can we come up with some ideas, or it is not in in our? 19:49:01 Maybe not our thing to do some other revenue sources for Amta. 19:49:07 Can we think of any you know? Put our heads together and come up with any ideas 19:49:17 That's certainly not out of bounds for what we could talk about. 19:49:19 I know the call had but gone out for those types of things, and so that information has been being pulled together. 19:49:27 If there's anything extra we can add or that we can come up with tonight, I know it would not be turned away if we sent any ideas for one of the places where anything can still be sent. 19:49:39 The contact. Us link on the Amta website is still working. 19:49:41 So at the very least, that's an easy way to get to sending anything to the Board members like to President Gooding, or you know others on the board. 19:49:51 You can email them directly, and that information is certainly welcome. Do you have any ideas or 19:50:02 Well, somebody has suggested then maybe people who would rather not become a member could still get subscriptions to the journals, and that could be something that Amta could facilitate it's a neat idea I don't know 19:50:25 if anything like that is in place, but with colleagues that did thank you for passing it along. 19:50:32 I'm sure there must be a way that something like that could happen if it doesn't already. 19:50:37 But I love that thank you for sharing sure since i'm unmuted. 19:50:43 I'll just go for it, Paula go ahead what I was thinking. 19:50:48 Was that of the services that are available to us as members with Amta that are valuable, such as those journals, and such as the free webinars. 19:51:02 If those could be parsed out and and a price to fix to that, someone who didn't pay for the membership could still pay for those particular things, and then the total of those parcel items would add up to more than 19:51:20 the membership pay, so that if you wanted to be a member you'd save money if you wanted to partake of all of those things. 19:51:28 So it it would be something, sitting down and parsing out just what is offered through the membership exactly, and assigning numbers to that 19:51:44 Thank you i'm writing that one down to pass it a look 19:52:02 Thank you, Emily. that is good wording for it, not coming up within my tactics. 19:52:07 So thank you. She put alocart pricing system 19:52:27 Go ahead. that's yeah just because I know that there had been a student and other professionals that just got certified, and then they paid for their dues right before everything shut down. 19:52:42 So some of their questions were the money that they paid for. 19:52:47 Will they be able to access at any time this year, any of the resources they would have been able to, and that would really go for, like anyone that was paying a paying member. 19:53:01 What is Will or or is it not going to be possible for any of those resources to be accessed as far as i'm aware? 19:53:11 All of the resources. that are available through the website like the A lot of the Cmts that are available to members would still be available. 19:53:22 I don't think that there's any plan of taking that away and if if somebody knows differently, please do let me know. 19:53:29 But I I I think that they would still be able to access that 19:53:34 The you know. The one big thing is that the conference was cancelled. But, as Bob mentioned earlier, there is a plan for a national symposium in a virtual online format to occur in November, and I would 19:53:48 imagine that those would still carry the benefit of membership pricing versus non-member pricing 19:53:57 Well, the reason why I ask, is I personally just tried to log in like last week, and I wasn't able to get any access into anything. 19:54:06 So that's why I also wanted to ask because if you're not able to get access to any of the resources, and already paid earlier in the year. 19:54:17 Is kind of a deterrent for people to even and even consider membership in the future, because if they can't get access to anything. 19:54:27 Okay, I was not aware of that. I don't know the answer to that, and to why it's no longer available. 19:54:35 But we can certainly pass the question along 19:54:56 Another thing just to share, because this is an issue that's been hitting a lot of people, myself included is people not getting the communication emails that have been sent out from the national office about all of this for some people it's going 19:55:09 into spam for some people. it's just not showing up I feel like I'm one of those people where I haven't seen them through email I've been receiving them other ways, you know, from being in the role that I 19:55:21 hold. but I don't really have much to say other than it's something that is being looked at, and you know trying to be figured out. 19:55:29 So I know it's not affecting just me it's been hitting a lot of people. 19:55:36 Yeah. So just to follow up with that. if I remember quoting from the Assembly meeting for those that are having a problem with that nature and there is an acknowledged problem with some people getting the 19:55:49 email notifications that the request from ampa was to go to the website on the contact Us. 19:55:58 And let them know that You're having problems and and to specifically give them the email address that you are not receiving the email that you want to have it received. 19:56:09 It's important that they know the specific address I if I remember crocodile. 19:56:13 They? There seem to be some problems with Gmail. perhaps. 19:56:17 Anyway, they need the specific address to try to ferret out what the problem does. 19:56:24 Great, thank you, and mine is a Gmail, so that easily is part of it. 19:56:33 Go ahead Bar. I just now was able to log on to the Amta website. 19:56:38 No problem right right away to say him so I don't yeah I don't know why other people can't 19:56:57 Go ahead, Brian! 19:57:04 Sorry triple on meeting so I just got a quick, philosophical note. 19:57:10 You know a lot of this fields. very troubling. 19:57:14 You know, upsetting some ways and that's totally understandful but I wanted to. 19:57:21 I guess just offer that echoes is that crisis. 19:57:31 Crises also represent opportunities. and so my hope is that you can use the South. hey? 19:57:37 Awesome to find it 19:57:47 In a better way. This is not something about rescuing, and 19:58:08 Thank you, Brian. I think that is a very important point. 19:58:12 I appreciate that I saw briefly. aaron you had your hand up is, and I see it no longer up, so I don't want to put you on the spot. 19:58:19 But please do unmute if you have something that you'd like to share 19:59:11 And I do want to acknowledge that we are rapidly approaching our. 19:59:15 It o'clock on time, and so I would just like to further encourage anybody. 19:59:21 If you have anything you'd like to reflect upon or or pose a question, or at to the group. 19:59:31 Please, please do let us know. Go ahead, Lauren. I just wanna not acknowledge that there are some questions in the chat, and as this is the recording, we not everybody would no or be privy to those so maybe we can read some of those 19:59:45 out and see if we can answer some of those for the for the crowd 19:59:54 Thank you, Lauren. Oh, okay, i'm trying to get there. 19:59:59 But right. darling Brooks, asks a very good question about how will we know if we haven't received anything from Amta? 20:00:15 And I echoed Donna, and saying that that is a very good question. 20:00:21 I do know that on regional and and national levels. 20:00:27 I think that efforts have been made to make communications available through various platforms, so you may receive an email about something. 20:00:36 But but the same information would be posted on the website as well as posted on various social media outlets. 20:00:44 And so I I think that that would be one way and that's been one way of tell people finding out that they're not receiving emails is because they see information on a social media platform or on on the website, that they 20:00:56 didn't receive through email So that that might be one way of figuring it out. 20:01:05 And thank you, Audrey, for posting. There is a link in the chat. 20:01:10 For news from the website where all of these updates, I believe, have been posted right. 20:01:17 All the communications that went out to membership are also there Okay, that's 20:01:34 Scrolling through. There was also a question again from Darlene. 20:01:38 Thanks for the good questions earlier. She was just asking judy if the email address and the phone number for the national officer staying the same, and they are staying the same. 20:01:48 It's just the new address that's in there and just to read it. 20:01:50 Then, in case somebody Can't see it in the chat the new address for Amta is 1 0, 1 2 5 Colesville road, that is, C. 20:01:59 O. L. E. S. V. I. L. L. E. So 1,125 Colesville Road, number 136 Silver Spring, Maryland, 2 0, 9, 0, one 20:02:23 Go ahead. pass I just wanted to clarify what Tatiana had asked about with having not being able to access things like the journal on the website. I was able to go on, and it seems like there is when you go to 20:02:41 the research tab, and then go through online journal there is a thing that says you know, access the you know journal of music therapy here up up at the top. that one doesn't work when you click on it but there's 20:02:56 subsequent links that that do work. so there is still access. 20:03:01 But i'd like to see not easy to get to and people might might have that same question. 20:03:09 We do still have access Just not necessarily easily found and donna posted something in the chat as well about the 20:03:22 They're being minor disruptions. on the website and I I think it's worth repeating that if you're experiencing any of those disruptions. 20:03:29 Please do contact the national office to let them know, using the contact Us link. 20:03:35 And that is, you know for for everyone 20:03:53 If there are no further questions or comments, I just want to reiterate 20:03:59 How grateful we are! Oh, wait, Edie, you raise your hand. 20:04:04 Go ahead! 20:04:08 Oh, you're on you're on mute so I I can't hear what you're saying, hey? 20:04:13 Sorry. Thank you, Bob. And yeah, sorry. This may be a weird idea. 20:04:19 But a couple of years ago there was like an international remote symposium, and I don't know if this would help Amta to somehow link us to that or something. 20:04:31 I I don't know if it was great it was really great. 20:04:37 But if that could somehow help amta and help us learn an awful lot more that's going on internationally. 20:04:49 It was fantastic. just saying 20:04:56 I think, you are referring to the online conference for music therapy? 20:05:02 Yeah, which is a separately run. I don't actually know the umbrella organization that puts that on 20:05:11 But it is a very good resource. that is separate from and ta! 20:05:16 So if anybody is interested is the online conference for music therapy. 20:05:21 Yeah, that's what there could be some kind of a link or something. 20:05:23 But anyway, yeah, Thank you. Thank you. 20:05:35 So as this is the Town Hall meeting I don't think that we need any formal motions to close it, or anything like that, I just want to be sure I don't let you leave without you knowing how grateful we are for you being 20:05:48 here and being engaged, we really really appreciate your presence here tonight, and we will do our best to continue to hold spaces like this as new information comes to light. 20:06:02 If there's anything more to process we will always try to make that opportunity to check in with with our community. 20:06:09 Which is all of you. So thank you. I just want to echo that and say thank you all for being here tonight. 20:06:17 You know again. please continue reaching out to us with questions as things come, or there's anything else that we can do to help support or clarify through all of this, as we learn together with you what's happening. 20:06:30 And where things are going next. But you know we are again able to keep going with all of our plans that we have in place, and so I hope on that, and that we see good things ahead for the region and for the national organization Thank you all for taking the time to be 20:06:44 here tonight.