Pietra Scoleri
Public Relations Chair
Pietra Scoleri graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in music therapy with a minor in psychology from Duquesne University. Pietra has worked with a variety of populations and even completed her music therapy internship supervised by Audrey Hausig. Pietra went on to work where she completed her internship at Delaware Psychiatry Center. After working at DPC for approximately a year, she worked for six years as a music therapist in hospice. Pietra currently works prn as a music therapist for Music Works in Havertown where she has the privilege of working with children and elderly clients with a variety of diagnosis’ and challenges. Moreover, Pietra also currently works full time for a virtual intensive outpatient program as an admission coordinator where she provides advocacy for music therapy in addition to other integrative therapies in the program. Pietra is excited and honored to be a part of the Mar board as the public relations chair and hopes to continue to provide advocacy and efficacy for the transformative and healing occupation of music therapy!
As per the MAR-AMTA Bylaws, Article III, Section 9, the Public Relations Chair shall: coordinate regional public relations efforts; maintain the Regional website and social media outlets; facilitate communication between the webmaster the the Executive Board; serve as regional representative to the Workforce Development and Retention Committee of AMTA; attend Regional Executive Board meetings; request that the President appoint Public Relations Committee members, as needed, to assist in developing and maintaining public relations efforts across the region; maintain regular communication with Public Relations Committee to assist them in fulfilling their duties as outlined in Article IX, Section 3, of the Bylaws; establish and/or maintain a handbook outlining job responsibilities; submit an annual, written report at the regional conference; and carry out such other duties as may be assigned by the President and Executive Board.