Lindsy Burns
Vice President for Membership
Lindsy Burns (she/her) received her Bachelor’s in Music Therapy from Temple University, her Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist for Individual certification from the Arizona Trauma Institute and is currently pursuing her Master’s in Music Therapy and Clinical Counseling from Temple University. Lindsy has worked in the Philadelphia area with a range of clinical populations and practices from a feminist, trauma-informed and multicultural lens.
As per the MAR-AMTA Bylaws, Article III, Section 4, the Vice President for Membership shall: succeed to the presidency in case of the resignation of the President, President-Elect, and the Vice President for Conference Planning; chair the Regional Services Council; serve as regional representative to the Membership Committee of the AMTA; maintain official statistical records of the membership for the Mid-Atlantic Region; correspond with members on related matters; correspond with the national Director of Membership Services to facilitate the transmission of information to the regional members; coordinate professional scholarships; highlight membership contributions; coordinate emergency crisis response efforts; attend Regional Executive Board meetings; establish and/or maintain a handbook outlining job responsibilities; submit an annual written report at the regional conference; and carry out such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Executive Board.