
MAR-AMTA Conference

Research Poster Session Application

Harrisburg, PA

March 16-18, 2016

Format for Research Poster Submission – please submit to Tony Meadows at

Write an abstract that describes your research using the following content areas. Using complete sentences, write content under each of the following areas. Your total abstract including the category headings needs to be no longer than 475 words; please delete all material in this introduction and in the parentheses for your abstract.

By submitting this application, you agree to submit all requested materials within the requested timeline and present at the Poster Research Session—a poster of your research and a short 8 to 12-minute presentation if you are selected. Due date is February 11.


Names and affiliations of researcher(s): (please use all the bolded headings when writing your proposal)


Title of Research:


Background and rationale for study: (write in about 50 words or less) (please delete the directions in the parentheses when writing your proposal)


Methodology: (list using 1 to 4 words – e.g., single-subject (type of design), experimental (type of design), descriptive (type of design), historical, philosophical, grounded theory, phenomenological, heuristic, arts based, ethnography, case study, etc.)


Purpose of study: (write a purpose statement or research questions/statements in about 50 words or less)


Method: (describe how you conducted your study using about 75 words or less)


Method of Analysis: (describe how you analyzed your data using about 50 words or less)


Results: (summarize your results in about 75 words or less; be sure your results are connected to your purpose; indicate statistical significance if quantitative) (in that you must present a completed study, indicate completion date and expected results if needed)


Conclusions: (summarize conclusions in 75 words or less)


Application of Results: (summarize application to clinical work or other areas in 50 words or less)