Check out the newest scholarships and grants that are available!
The MAR-AMTA National Conference Award offers monetary assistance to professional members to support member involvement at the national conference (in 2022, the inaugural symposium). An award in the amount of $150 will be offered to one (1) professional member to as a reimbursement for symposium registration...
The Mid-Atlantic Region (MAR) Janet C. Murphy Memorial Conference Award offers monetary assistance to MAR-AMTA members to...
Membership in The American Music Therapy Association, and therefore the Mid-Atlantic Region of AMTA, provides a number of benefits which notably include: discounted rates for conferences, free CMTE credits, advocacy...
Special Announcement! Congratulations to Nicole Hahna, co-Chair of the PASTF, winner of the 2019 MAR Arts Advocacy Day Scholarship! This is the first year for MAR to offer this scholarship,…
Research Award Applications Posted! All research awards have been updated with applications, both in Word format and PDF format. Deadlines are within a few months, so start the application…
MARAMTS Update: Student Affairs and Happenings Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC - Outgoing MAR Student Affairs Advisor Jason Willey, MMT, MT-BC - Incoming MAR Student Affairs Advisor Tara O’Brien –…