19:05:14 And then we'll have an open forum, during which we invite members to talk to us about whatever is on their minds. So, um, I will start, I already briefly introduce myself but for those who just joined us. 19:05:29 My name is Chris Jackson. I'm the Vice President for membership, and I go by she and her. 19:05:38 And I think that is all I'm going to say for right now so I'm going to pass it to Audrey who is next on my screen, 19:05:46 everybody thanks for coming. My name is Audrey How's it going, I'm the president elect and I'm really glad to be here, and I will pass it to Bob on my screen. 19:05:58 So good to see you all. Thank you all for being here tonight. 19:06:02 Some Bob Miller I'm the current president of the region that you see in him pronouns, and I'm going to pass it to learn because she's next on my screen 19:06:13 here, Bob. 19:06:17 Thank you for letting me know I can speak a little louder. 19:06:23 Hi, I'm Lori and I'm the secretary, um I go by she her. My pass it over to Liz Stephenson. 19:06:32 Hello. 19:06:43 I am Lynne Stephenson and I am the parliamentarian for the more a board. And just as of like last week I'm very new to stepping into this position but I'm eager to get started. And I will pass it over to say who's next on my screen. 19:06:51 Hi, 19:06:54 I am shy Eagle I knew she her and I'm the public relations chair for the mark, I could afford so I will pass it to Tatiana. 19:07:07 I am Tatiana Martin and government relations chair leverage and she her programs, and 19:07:17 I couldn't hear that either. 19:07:20 Tatiana 19:07:28 and looks like we might have some people that are not muted and that might be interfering with some of the sound so if you're not speaking it might be helpful for everyone to hear what's being said if you mute. 19:07:38 Thank you. My name is Stephanie I am the government relations chair my pronouns are she her hers. 19:07:45 And I will pass to Nina. 19:07:51 I am Nina. 19:07:53 I'm the treasurer left my pronouns are she, her hers and 19:08:02 pass it to Beth. 19:08:07 Hi everyone I'm Beth Thurmond, I'm immediate past president, and I use sheet her program. 19:08:21 Sorry, people were asking me for the code so I was trying to do too many things at the same time. Sorry about that. Okay, I'm gonna pass to Donna. 19:08:31 Thanks best hi everybody I'm done a polling I'm the more assembly chair. 19:08:37 And I will pass it to mark. 19:08:52 Let's Donna, can you hear me. 19:08:46 Hello, I'm the outgoing editor and historian for the region. 19:08:51 And I'm he him, his or my preferred pronouns. 19:08:55 I'm going to pass it to, Ian. 19:09:02 Ian and I'm the Vice President for conference planning elect. 19:09:05 I use him as and I'll pass it to you again pretty quiet. 19:09:10 Is that better. 19:09:11 Little bit. 19:09:12 OK, and I'm going to pass it to Megan. 19:09:17 Hi, I'm Meg Smith, I use she her pronouns and I am the Student Affairs advisor. 19:09:24 I'm not sure who to pass to next. 19:09:28 I don't know who hasn't gone yet sorry. 19:09:34 I think that's it 19:09:38 for the board. I think so too. 19:09:43 Let's be, we do have a small number of people here who aren't on the board. I don't want to put anybody on the spot but I would welcome you to introduce yourself to and just briefly where you're from and what you're interested in being here, so that we 19:10:00 can hopefully tailor our conversation to what you would like to you want to see it. I think it'd be fun to go out, maybe you have to have a mask on had to get back so I can get it 19:10:22 Okay, I've got the link. 19:10:34 You mentioned concert, learning. 19:10:39 So definitely when I get to bed. 19:10:43 So 19:10:46 today, we let loose all know that her phone is open to everyone. 19:10:52 Yeah, in terms of. 19:10:54 I'm looking for her phone number to text. 19:10:58 THE MODERATOR should be. 19:11:03 So and I did right well you know in the middle of saying that BB. 19:11:07 Good. 19:11:08 Thank you. 19:11:09 I was like oh I could try that and then, and then it turned it off on you but. 19:11:14 Thank you. 19:11:19 Okay, so, um, but I don't see any volunteers for anybody who would like to introduce themselves so who is not important, so I don't want to push that Donna, would you like to go ahead and give us our update from the assembly. 19:11:41 Yes, I think Barb Wheeler wanted to. Oh okay yeah please, please go ahead. I got a little Yes There you are. I just thought I would have Barbara Wheeler I was already talking a minute ago. 19:12:00 me that I really don't know most of the people who are on the board now so I'm glad to be here for this. I came specifically because of some concerns that Barbara McClain had shared about things that are coming up later and I'm, I'm trying not to be. 19:12:10 I'm trying to be retired and I also have a strong impulse to still be active. So, that's my dilemma. I'm happy to be here. Thanks, and we're happy that you're wanting to be engaged so thank you so much for being here really appreciate it. 19:12:25 Okay. And. 19:12:28 Okay, um, see what anybody else like to introduce themselves before we start, 19:12:38 we do have in the chat Becky said hi all Becky from Dunkirk New York keeping my camera off but glad to be here to listen. We're glad that you're here to with us Becky Thank you. 19:12:54 I'd like to introduce myself. Can you hear me. 19:12:56 Yes. 19:12:59 I'm Gary are I'm the past president of AMT many years ago, I was part of the merger of the time of the few organizations, retired now and some I've been out of the scene quite a bit and and had a conversation with Bob McClain who kind of for me a little 19:13:17 bit with some of the issues but also I've been getting some interesting notification from this main office about what the issues have become enough for the field. 19:13:28 So it kind of struck me as being interested again to check out what's what's going on with everybody. 19:13:34 But to go this pullback connection with again with some people, so it's good to be here. 19:13:41 And thank you for being here as well Gary we welcome you. 19:13:51 And I see in the chat. 19:13:54 Brian Abrams past mr president from Montclair, New Jersey here. Good to see everyone and it's good to see you to Brian, thank you for being here. 19:14:19 to just acknowledge everybody else in the room, Carrie, Elizabeth, Nicole thank you for being here. I'm really happy that you are taking the time and Bart. 19:14:29 Thank you so much for taking the time to be here. We appreciate your engagement and are willing and eager to hear your perspectives. 19:14:39 So with that, I'm done. If you would like to go ahead with the assemblies, update, that would be fantastic. 19:14:46 Great query so this will be very brief and I just want to give a shout out to Gary from way back, and at the very beginning of New York State. 19:14:55 El Cap stuff, Gary was, was there. 19:15:00 So it's nice to see you, Gary. 19:15:03 I'll just give a brief update on the, the assembly had his first meeting 19:15:13 was very recently. 19:15:16 Last week I think we have two additional meetings scheduled one is on Tuesday October 12. And the third one, but that will only be held if needed that's on Wednesday October 20, those are both from eight to 10pm. 19:15:33 And there's also an AMT a general business meeting on Friday October 15 from six to 7:30pm. 19:15:42 If you are interested in attending any of those meetings as an observer, the assembly meetings and the general business meetings as a member. 19:15:51 You should be responsible for the assembly meetings, you'll receive an email from an MTA where you can register to attend those meetings as an observer. 19:16:00 I'm not sure what the process is going to be for the general business meeting I think that it's on the MTA conference platform, I believe, so I think it's just a matter of clicking if you're attending the conference and if you're not attending the conference 19:16:16 I think you need to contact national office. If you want to observe that. 19:16:22 So at our meeting last week, just opened with the speaker's report assembly speaker Angie Snell just sort of thanking everyone for their work, and for being there and reminded the assembly and the observers who were there, that the associations of time 19:16:44 in a time of tremendous change so not just regionally but nationally, and to continue to refer to the MTA bylaws and be oriented to it in terms of the assembly members to understand our, our roles and functions. 19:17:02 We then had a brief update from MTA vice president Wendy will see on the conference, which is just, well now a couple of weeks away, which is hard to believe since it's usually in November. 19:17:17 She talked a lot about the conference platform and accessibility and that MTA had hired and accessibility consultant group called Ada online. 19:17:31 That's been working with a MTA. 19:17:35 And also that there was an invitation extended to the entire music therapy community. If anybody wanted to volunteer to check the platform in advance for accessibility issues or concerns, 19:17:50 recorded sessions of the conference will be available for six months after the conference for people who were registered and there are going to be some things, even for people who are not registered and attending the conference will be available on the 19:18:03 MTA website as well. 19:18:06 And she extended particular things to the IP pa the. 19:18:13 Don't tell me Clarissa. The. 19:18:17 Tell me what's, what's integrative integrative policy and procedure assembly work group. Yes. 19:18:25 Which Clarissa has been vice chair of and they did a massive amount of work. 19:18:31 Over the last year with tremendous not even a whole year. 19:18:35 Tremendous recommendations for a MTA and the conference planning committee has used that information extensively to ensure safety for this upcoming conference. 19:18:51 We then had brief updates from the three council coordinators. 19:18:56 The Council on Education and clinical training, the Council on professional practice and the Council on Association services. 19:19:07 Basically just reviewing what all of the national standing committees have been up to and they've been up to a lot. 19:19:14 And we will be getting more specific information before the next meeting we have not the assembly has not yet received the board book. 19:19:26 So, we're not sure what our workload is going to be I had been hoping to share some things with all of you tonight that we can get your feedback on that's going to be voting business that might come before the assembly but we don't know what that might 19:19:41 be at this point, we will know before the October 12 meeting. 19:19:47 We then had a presentation from one of our delegates menu on loud, talking about possible work group models. 19:19:56 He shared that based on feedback from affinity groups and members who have served on different committees that the process of serving has not always been very collaborative in nature, it's been more top down, and that we need to aggressively start trying 19:20:13 to find a way to productively equitably and collaboratively work with these groups. 19:20:19 And I believe what I heard him say is also just within the assembly itself that we need to not just do our work, but we need to be reflective and see. 19:20:34 After we've, we've accomplished an action to have a reflection step and that's not happening so he spoke about participant participatory action research as a possible way to help us improve with all of this. 19:20:50 So the way that was left. 19:20:53 Is that speaker Snell is going to work with many on on creating a document, a Google Doc, that people can contribute to. 19:21:05 I think it will initially be limited to the assembly I'm not 100% certain of how they're going to roll that out. 19:21:14 But I believe it's going to be up soon so that we can be contributing ideas and questions. Prior to the October 12 assembly meeting. 19:21:27 So that's in process. Then, old business, there was just one piece of old business the assembly bylaws Task Force submitted a final document to the assembly for review for possible bylaws changes in the MTA bylaws, not that the assembly passes those that's 19:21:50 that has to be brought to the membership from the MTA President Elect, who is Lori Gooding, and that then membership would vote on it and we were, I was on the assembly bylaws Task Force. 19:22:05 Our purpose was not asking that these proposed bylaws revisions necessarily be brought forth at this time, but certainly to be considered as a MTA moves into strategic planning, which hopefully will be starting soon. 19:22:23 And that was about it, the new business was just assuring the delegates that we would have the board book before the next meeting. 19:22:31 And we're keeping that third meeting date, the October 20th on the calendar in case we need it. 19:22:41 Any questions, I know it kind of flew through that but questions or comments. 19:22:52 If you ever do have questions about the assembly, you can go on to our website, we have a, an assembly page there and the information about the current delegation. 19:23:03 There's contact information for everybody there so you can reach out to any member of the assembly with questions or input or concerns. 19:23:11 Thanks for your attention 19:23:15 and Donna thank you so much for bringing us that update and we really appreciate it. 19:23:20 It's always good to know what is happening at the national level and, and as many avenues for communication about that as we can have this is wonderful. 19:23:28 So I appreciate your speaking about that tonight. 19:23:33 And Bob Would you be willing to go ahead and address the priorities of the new board and our regional goals. 19:23:40 I would be happy to thank you, so you know the request was put out just to hear some about our goals and what we're looking at. As the board for the next two years, so I'm going to briefly share what our regional goals are that were, you know, there are 19:23:56 proposed by me but then we discussed them as a board and, you know, prove them. And so, kind of share a little bit about that. 19:24:03 So, one first goal that we have is to promote awareness and understanding of music therapy to the general public clinic advocacy efforts and recognition that state and national levels. 19:24:13 I mean this is something that I think is always ongoing but it's so important for us to do to be able to connect with the general public and anybody who might be interested in music therapy such as high school students are college students that schools 19:24:27 without an empty program or, you know, really anyone we can as well as helping increase access to information and services for the public, and those who might be receiving or looking to receive music therapy services or even not knowing that music therapy 19:24:41 services are yet something that they would want to receive, but helping to share that information to, you know, help connect people with what could be really helpful for them. 19:24:53 The next few goals. I think all kind of go to what together well the next four we have to clarify and strengthen the relationship between Mid Atlantic region. 19:25:04 The American Music Therapy Association and the affiliated state organizations to promote the understanding of the organizational structures of the MTA and the Mid Atlantic region to increase advocacy and promotion of diversity within organization structures, 19:25:17 including the dismantling and replacement of structures that are oppressive, and to increase support regarding issues of social justice, including disability rights as they impact the members of our region. 19:25:27 The people that we serve. And, you know, I think the four of these just really all kind of go well together there's the importance of these has been highlighted in the past couple of years with all that's going on in the world and in the region, or, you 19:25:43 you know looking to gain clarity for ourselves as a board, also to help gain some of that and share some of that clarity for our members and non members us we look at those things that have been established different structures and practices and find 19:25:57 ways to make changes to better serve all and, you know, especially those who've been marginalized and oppressed by these structures. And of course it's going to be an ongoing process which you know will work the best we can with it will make decisions 19:26:13 will go for it and then we have to step back and reflect and evaluate and see what's working and what doesn't and it's going to be an ongoing cycle of doing that. 19:26:23 But I think as we keep doing that it's kind of like the action reflection that Donna was talking about from her report there, you know, we'll be able to make things continue to be clear continue to be better continue to make more sense and hopefully help 19:26:37 support. Everybody, the best that we can. 19:26:42 A number six is to promote member benefits and use of resources to increase membership in the organization. So we're always looking for ways to increase the awareness of the tools and resources that are available to members and to find ways to promote 19:26:55 and increase membership in the organization and reach out connect with those who maybe are not members anymore or have never been members, and to really try and build that. 19:27:07 The next goal is to increase transparency with the membership through effective and open communication. And, you know, we've been doing a lot of this in the past couple of years. 19:27:17 And we're I think we're going in good directions with it, things even like tonight I think this is and correct me if I'm wrong but I think this is the second one of these we've ever done. 19:27:25 Yeah, so, you know, doing town hall meetings like this opportunity for people to hear updates and speak in different forums like that were classes working on putting together some like other series of sessions for people to come and really focusing on 19:27:40 a specific topic or population know we're trying to do what we can to find ways to really increase that communication and help people connect with each other. 19:27:52 And, you know, we're going to keep looking at those types of things so any ideas please always, feel free to share them. 19:27:59 Our next goal is to be fiscally responsible as a region and to be sensitive to the financial needs of the membership. We're in a much better place than we were a couple years ago, financially and we've been doing well there but we're always looking for 19:28:13 things we could do like maybe find alternate ways of getting income for scholarships and awards so that they can always be present and not be something that's necessarily based on what we have in the budget from here to here because that way we can hopefully 19:28:27 guarantee yes we'll be able to offer these consistently so looking for things like that. And the last one, but by no means the least one is to continue to continue to support promote and highlight music therapy research, research, of course is important 19:28:42 for the advocacy development of new ideas and innovations within the field and, you know, sharing it helps everybody to stay up to date and to generate inspire new ideas and new practices and new ways of using music therapy with people. 19:28:59 And those are the nine goals that we have set forth for the region, and more specifically I guess for the board to work with the region over the next couple of years. 19:29:10 So thank you for giving me the opportunity to share about those. 19:29:16 Thank you so much, Bob, it really, it's really great to hear, hear that, and to be able to share that with our members do I want to invite any comment or reflection, or feedback on those on those priorities on those goals. 19:29:31 If anyone has any. 19:29:36 You can certainly just turn up. Yes. Hi Gary, please go ahead and speak, speak specifically to Goal number six. 19:29:45 As of the mid year board meeting. 19:29:50 It was recognized that MTA as a whole has lost membership. 19:29:55 Mostly as a result of the pandemic. 19:30:01 And recognizing that efforts needs to be made to support. Members, so that they can continue to be members. However, when it was broken down by region. 19:30:10 The Great Lakes region, lost 6% of its membership. 19:30:17 At that time, over a five year period, the largest region, the Great Lakes region, lost 12% of its membership in that same five year period, the Mid Atlantic region lost 24% of its membership over that five year period. 19:30:37 I'm curious as to what the board is thinking about doing to encourage memberships specifically related to its own policies and priorities that may or may not be driving members away. 19:30:59 It's a really good question and I know those concerns. 19:31:02 But before about the loss of membership so thank you for sharing that Gary. I appreciate that I mean that is a big concern, it's one of the things that we're trying to figure out with this goal of what we can do to help bring people back for those that 19:31:16 feel like they no longer wish to be part of the organization or to support those who have felt like they're not able to be a part of it up into this point and I don't feel like I have a good specific answer for you but I know the ongoing reflection on 19:31:32 what's in the bylaws or what's in the policies and procedures that might be impacting people's willingness to be in the membership that's something we're looking at we're looking at ways to help for those were, you know, maybe it's a financial issue, 19:31:45 or maybe it's an issue of, you know, advocacy or feeling like they're not welcome because of who they are or how they practice like really looking at ways to connect people in that arena, I think doing things like this to like we're doing tonight is something 19:32:02 we're trying to do to be able to reach out to members, and we're looking at ways to try and reach out specifically the non members to be able to hear what some of the concerns are there and reasons why people are no longer or have not yet joined the region, 19:32:17 and, you know, that's just the start of it but I know it's definitely something that we're looking at, and is a concern, you know that we have lost that large of a percentage of our membership in that period of time. 19:32:30 Thank you Bob and I can also respond to that Gary in the survey that I sent out to membership, I'm asking about, you know, what are reasons that you have for being a member of the MTA for not being a member of the MTA. 19:32:44 Most of the reason for the people cited was cost, especially specifically because of covert even dynamic and unfortunately many of the people said that they didn't feel like the cost of the membership was worth the benefit and they compare the benefits 19:32:58 benefits that they received from other associations with much larger professional populations. 19:33:03 Then we have in music therapy, unfortunately. 19:33:06 But I also heard specifically from members who are who are upside from music therapists who are members of other associations like public health and social work, and counseling, who stated, because of Auntie's lack of a stance on anti oppression. 19:33:24 They didn't feel comfortable, aligning themselves are aligning themselves with anti gay they would rather spend their membership dollars elsewhere. So I think that we need to take, you know we've been really trying hard to make the Association and the 19:33:39 Mid Atlantic region, a space where we are welcoming of all perspectives and. 19:33:47 And that we're making it a place where people feel that even if they do hold marginalized identities that they will be heard. 19:33:56 And I, you know, it's it's it's a really difficult question to answer. I think that there's many reasons that we're losing membership but I think that, you know, there's. 19:34:08 We need to speak a little bit more frankly about, you know what people are really wanting to see the other to another point you know what I responded to from the town hall survey, or from the survey that was that people are really wanting opportunities 19:34:26 to connect so there's this these town hall for meetings that I'm trying to organize and also a discussion series about specific clinical issues like practices with tele health or working with older adults, this is something that people really wanted to 19:34:39 talk about anti oppressive practices something that people want to talk about. So, as the VP for membership I'm trying to be responsive to the need for face to face or virtual face to face interaction, as well as you know, reaching out emailing phone 19:34:56 calling non members, you know, two or no longer members to see, you know, What would they like to see. 19:35:04 I think the Mid Atlantic region and the National the national office or national association, which I hesitate to call a MTA because that Atlantic region is a MTA. 19:35:15 We're all a MTA. 19:35:19 I think everyone is looking at issues related to anti oppressive actions and things of that nature. 19:35:27 My concern is how much, how many more than twice as many members in the Mid Atlantic region. 19:35:39 24% as opposed to 12% in the southeast and only 6% in the Great Lakes. 19:35:47 The loss of membership in the Mid Atlantic region specifically is significant. 19:35:53 And I don't think that can all be blamed on the National Association. 19:36:05 If I may, I'd like to respond to what Gary, Said. And I'd also like to offer my perspective, as somebody who obviously I'm a member I'm here I'm on the board. 19:36:17 But I am married to a Board Certified music therapist who is not an MTA member. My supervisor at work has rescinded her membership and several of her colleagues have rescinded their membership as well within the Mid Atlantic region. 19:36:30 And so I'd like to offer that perspective as somebody who has had a lot of intimate conversation with people who were previously members and now are not. 19:36:41 I your, what has been raised so far as absolutely true cost is prohibitive, especially when people are doing a cost benefit analysis, they're not sure what the organization has to offer them. 19:36:53 Anti oppressive practices are a big concern. 19:36:58 But the biggest in everyone I know who rescinded their membership and I actually did for a while as well. And I think this is specific to Mar, there has been and continues to be a feeling that a MTA is to use a gendered phrase, an old boys club. 19:37:20 That is run and decisions are made and the voices of certain people are highlighted more than others. 19:37:28 And that if you're not in the inner circle, you pay your dues but you don't have a voice and this is specifically in relation to specific events and issues. 19:37:41 Prior to coven 19 that I feel like a large majority of people in specifically Mar wanted to go one way and the National Organization went to another and they felt like their voice was not heard and I'm speaking now I'm part about everything that happened 19:37:55 with our executive director of a couple of years ago and the decision on masters level entry. 19:38:02 I know a lot of music therapists within the MAR who were disenchanted and disillusioned with the way that those two specific incidents were handled and decided that AMTA didn't speak for them. 19:38:15 And they decided to not renew membership following those two events. 19:38:25 And I do think that things like these town halls, and a lot of the efforts that are being put forth by our VP for membership to engage people into, to try to communicate that we want to be welcoming of all perspectives and all voices, and that we can 19:38:41 have differences of opinion and have healthy debate that those are welcome here I think that those will go a long way to to dismantle the 19:38:54 view. 19:38:55 There's a better word, but it's not coming to me the, the impression that if you're not in the inner circle. 19:39:02 You don't matter. 19:39:03 The the question then is, are those avenues of outreach being communicated to those who are not already members. 19:39:14 You know, that's all I wanted to say 19:39:18 thank you for hearing my concern. 19:39:26 Thank you for bringing your perspective. 19:39:30 Perspective sneaky also lives. 19:39:39 Okay. 19:39:45 I muted myself, other any other responses to our priorities were goals. 19:39:50 Before we move on with state licensure efforts. 19:40:01 And please go ahead. 19:40:04 Thanks. 19:40:05 I just, I kind of want to back up what was just expressed I think it was expressed very clearly. 19:40:15 And, and, you know, I can speak anecdotally as a member of the assembly who tries to, you know, keep a pretty good sense of the pulse of the culture of the region. 19:40:27 and you know the feedback. 19:40:29 You know through various media that I've, I've been getting has really been more about issues at the national level than at the regional level. 19:40:39 But I do think you know we could speculate about all this but I think we need some, some good data in order to to even entertain this question meaningfully. 19:40:49 So, you know, so So Gary raises a good point and I mean if we want to explore it course you mentioned the, The survey. 19:40:58 I think that's a great you know way to start. I think something like that but we can just find a way to ask the question, and and really get a get a more accurate response would be helpful for us as a region. 19:41:15 Absolutely. And thank you, I, I did think about like how to share, or whether to share those survey results, but I did not ask participants if that would be okay so um, I'm. 19:41:32 Perhaps it would be helpful for me to boil that down into some sort of phonetic analysis, and share that. 19:41:38 And I will think about how to do that, I appreciate your perspective. 19:41:42 Aaron Please go ahead. 19:41:51 Aaron guarantee, you'd have your hand up. 19:41:54 Would you like to go ahead. 19:42:11 I'm not sure how to proceed. And if you would like you to unmute us okay. 19:42:19 Aaron you you are on mute. So if you would, if you are on mute so if you'd like to unmute your self, then we could share your perspective as well. 19:42:34 Okay, I'm going to go ahead and recognize Nicole, please go ahead. 19:43:00 Oh, and. 19:43:00 Okay, if you could unmute. 19:43:02 All right, we're having some difficulties. 19:43:07 I think that will will go ahead. 19:43:11 Those of you who have your hand up, Nicole and Aaron if you want to jump in and go ahead and start speaking, whenever you can, we'd welcome mat. 19:43:22 But while we're waiting on what seems to like some technical difficulties, all ask. Stephanie if you would be willing to go ahead with state licensure updates. 19:43:36 Sure, no problem. Nicole or Aaron if you jump in. I'll just stop talking. 19:43:51 I'll give you all a quick update on how the seven states in the region are doing. So Delaware, and we will be working closely with national to establish some initiatives for Delaware within the next legislative session, Maryland. 19:44:02 They signed their law. Their licensure into law on June 1 of this year. 19:44:08 Very very exciting. So all six applications for the board seats have been completed, and they'll find out which two will be confirmed. Next week, is that right Tatianna yeah hello next week, the draft of regulations for the license is currently being 19:44:26 reviewed and revised by the state Task Force and the National Government Relations team. 19:44:33 New Jersey held their first meeting of the State Board of creative arts and activities therapies, on August 17 of this year. They're waiting for four nominees to go on the board they await judiciary hearing and a full Senate vote, we expect that to be 19:44:47 completed sometime after November. In the meantime, the subcommittee's are working on regulation writing for the music therapy license. 19:44:57 Currently the state Task Force is working on initiatives to have music therapy included for reimbursement and supportive services in a Medicaid pilot program proposal which is pretty cool. 19:45:10 New York City Task Force is planning to discuss states for an in person Lobby Day for the spring of 2022. They will reconvene soon to begin planning strategies for the upcoming legislative session, Pennsylvania hosted a webinar on August 24 2021, or this 19:45:28 year to share information with the state music therapist, about their collaborative initiative with hap, which stands for hospital and health system association of Pennsylvania. 19:45:40 This and this initiative includes a very, very large grant that was awarded to the state Task Force and happy to provide music therapy services to healthcare workers throughout pa to combat coven related stress. 19:45:55 So any music therapists are interested in applying for this opportunity or encouraged to email Michelle Knuth, and I'm gonna pop her email in the chat for anyone who might be interested or knows anybody who might be interested. 19:46:11 Virginia is meeting regularly with the MAR and National Government Relations team for guidance with decisions regarding regulation writing and reimbursement. 19:46:19 The members of the Advisory Board of music therapy have been posted to the Virginia Board of Social Work page, and a notice of intended regulatory action was filed in August, the public comment period and did last week, I believe, and in West Virginia 19:46:35 Patty Allison has stepped down as the chair. So we as marajuana wish Patty and her new family luck in their endeavors endeavors and we're currently following up on a couple leads for the new chair. 19:46:49 And that is if anybody has any questions about their state or state advocacy efforts, you can email me and I can get you in contact with your state's Task Force. 19:47:01 Thank you. 19:47:05 Thank you so much stuff and you for those updates I know there's many people who will be happy to hear that. 19:47:11 When the recording of this meeting summit available. 19:47:18 And now, I believe we've reached the open forum section of our meeting, I'm glad that we have still 45 minutes left, so that we have time for a conversation. 19:47:25 So if anybody has any concerns or feedback suggestions anything they would like to bring up in this forum. 19:47:34 Please go ahead and raise your hand and I'll recognize us as we do. 19:47:42 I BB McLean Please go ahead. 19:47:53 There are no. 19:47:55 Thank you so much, Clarissa and the rest of the board for the opportunity. 19:48:00 I am Barbara McLean I think most of you know me but didn't Mar number since 1990, my pronouns are she and her. 19:48:08 I served on the MAR executive board on the assembly of delegates, and many conferences for all of my working years in the region. And I think all of you who are now serving. 19:48:19 I know you have many challenges in your roles, had them too. And I know you have your own interest of transparency, transparency, didn't see sorry. 19:48:32 I will stay up front that I'm opposed to anonymize the elections. 19:48:37 But I'm not here tonight to elaborate on my reasons, but I thought I should share that first. 19:48:43 I came here with some trepidation. 19:48:46 I've heard from are many people who have spoken out at these and other Mar meetings, and on social media. 19:49:02 And I'm sure many of you have been witness to this. 19:49:04 There are some who are now unwilling to speak differing opinions need not make enemies of people. 19:49:12 I, we are not the enemy. 19:49:15 I believe a diversity of opinions is necessary for positive growth and decision making. 19:49:21 I believe we all support the goals of inclusion safety support equity, diversity. 19:49:28 If we can respectfully listen and discuss the diversity of opinions. 19:49:33 We can find new ideas and processes that will support all. 19:49:39 I have pulled myself out of my retirement. 19:49:48 Number Barbara that ages us right there how many of those out there. Younger because of my alarm over the anonymize voting process. Only 41 members voted for this change in our bylaws, 41, That's less than 8% of eligible voting members. 19:50:03 But with the shamefully low voter turnout. The change did pass. 19:50:08 And it is now policy or policy. 19:50:11 So let's move forward. 19:50:15 Today the anonymous election was to, quote, reduce implicit bias, and to reduce harm the results from that bias in quote. 19:50:24 I'm presuming the concern was to reduce harm to any marginalized numbers. 19:50:30 I haven't seen anything official on specific groups and unclear as to how modularized may have been defined. 19:50:43 In part, in part of the email blast, but not on the ballot. I also saw quote and effort to increase diversity and equity in the nomination and the election process, as well as the makeup of the executive board and quote of questions. 19:51:00 Some of you know I have lots of questions. I'm sorry to bombard you with those. 19:51:08 But here Here are just a few. 19:51:10 One other calls. 19:51:28 If so, how are they officially shared with the membership to what harm has resulted from in implicit bias in our voting in the past three other types of election processes are other ways to reduce implicit bias considered. 19:51:31 And for, for which I have received an answer. Were any examples found of other organizations, using anonymized elections. The answer is no normal found. 19:51:44 Those are just a few more questions I don't need any answers, but many members would like answers at some point. 19:51:54 I was happy to hear that the board is planning to evaluate the anonymized election process. 19:52:00 That is what I'm here to talk about. 19:52:03 I am speaking in full support of this. 19:52:06 Now that we have had an election utilizing the anonymized process and regardless of anyone's opinion on anonymize elections. This is the right time, and an essential step in the process. 19:52:22 The results should be either about validation of the process, or an informed reason to seek changes or alternatives that will still meet our goals and evaluation should address if and how those will not as well as any additional effects or outcomes both 19:52:37 positive and negative needs to include the input from the general membership. And the results need to be made public, to the membership for the development of any evaluation tools should include representatives from marginalized groups, as well as those 19:52:54 who are opposed to the anonymous voting. 19:52:58 Some questions that are to consider evaluation are one. How does the 2021 election compared with 2019, and perhaps other elections in regards to number of members completing ballots. 19:53:14 This was reported the newsletter, but should also be included in an evaluation. 19:53:21 To get the anonymized election influence members decision to vote, or not to vote. 19:53:27 Three for those choosing to not vote in the election. What was the reason, the number of voters was apparently low lower even then in any special election. 19:53:38 It is important that we know why. 19:53:42 For those who didn't vote. 19:53:52 Were and now are their thoughts about the anonymize voting process. 19:53:49 Paris 2021 compare. Number five, sorry. How is 2021 compared with 2019 in regards to number of members willing to run for a position that will not enough candidates to have a full slate. 19:54:04 There is no second candidate for government relations chair or public relations chair to assembly alternate season seats are now vacant. 19:54:12 And it seems there's no one in the position of VP of luck for conference planning, you could correct me on that but I couldn't find the name on the website. 19:54:23 Six. How did the diversity of the 2021 slate of candidates, compared with the diversity of 2019 slight. 19:54:32 How does the diversity of the newly elected persons compare with the diversity of the overall membership. 19:54:41 Eight, I think I keep forgetting numbers sorry for this year's candidates, was the anonymized selection factor in members choosing to run. 19:54:51 Nine was the anonymous election, a factor in members choosing not to run. 19:54:57 10 harms for prevented. As a result of the anonymized election process. 19:55:05 And 11 world homes have been done as a result of the anonymous election process. 19:55:13 Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts. 19:55:17 I will be sending a copy of this statement to the MR executive board and anyone else who requests, I know there was a lot of information there. 19:55:24 I went to my email in the chat. 19:55:27 But I will read it also. 19:55:30 It is McLean bb macleanbarb@aol.com. 19:55:39 I have been having some trouble with email and AOL, I think. 19:55:43 So if you don't get a response from me within 24 hours or more to both, you can use Baba Copa de fo bb ACUOPA at yahoo. com. 19:56:04 some statements from some other members that have asked me to read their statements. I just have a few of those. 19:56:21 Okay, Dr. 19:56:25 Karen Jessica says quote. I'm frustrated that such an important change to our elections took place first of all without a vote. And then with such a small number of members voted. 19:56:36 I support an evaluation of the process. There should have been opportunities for discussion of such a big change at our online conference but nothing was said and quote. 19:56:52 Bridget Schnabel, quote, I believe that anonymized voting does a disservice to our region, and our membership by creating strangers at the very time when we need to be building relationships as members we do not vote for a set of qualifications or statements 19:57:03 we vote for a person. 19:57:05 The election process includes time to get to know the candidates. We is to encourage our members to literally talk to candidates, pull them aside a conference, ask them questions, etc. 19:57:16 This is an opportunity to move past the initial bias or gut reactions to a person and engage with them, forming a more informed and comprehensive opinion than initial perceptions may have allowed with anonymous boating, or instead of giving limited information 19:57:31 We are instead given limited information to consider this likewise limits our autonomy and integrity as informed and engaged members. 19:57:39 Now we certainly don't want to buy a system of electing members. We also need to borrow, our own responsibility is voting members, and I believe we have the right to do so. 19:57:50 As music therapy clinicians, one of our first goals is always to develop rapport with our clients. This includes valuing them as a unique person suspending our initial judgments or discomfort when necessary, and getting to know them. 19:58:05 I believe this disposition can and should apply within our professional organization, and quote, and from 100, quote, If I wasn't in that in as a leading in Iowa Sunday, I would attend the town hall meeting. 19:58:22 And for those of you who don't know me SMS the National Association of Schools of music. 19:58:27 And for those of you who don't know me SMS the National Association of Schools of music. I certainly support and evaluation of this new procedure. 19:58:33 The SM reached out and now. Just now, Brian is the first music therapist to help review schools that teach music therapy so that's actually a great thing. 19:58:43 So I thank you all for listening. 19:58:50 Barbara thank you so much for bringing your perspective and those of your colleagues and I, I'm happy that you'll be sending us your statement, because there is a lot of excellent points that you raise that deserve thorough consideration and response. 19:59:08 And I see that best works has her hand up so I'm going to go ahead and recognize you to speak, please. 19:59:14 Thank you for those of you don't know me I'm Elizabeth Schwartz, and I have been a member of Mar MTA since its inception, and served in many different capacities both on the region and the national level. 19:59:26 so I would be one of those old boys clubs. 19:59:30 I've been around for a really long time and I have expressed my opinions specifically within the last year or so, through the executive board, particularly about the way that the policy toward elections was put into place. 19:59:46 My other concern has to do also with Bob's list of goals, and that is communication, and although I know that there has been some attempt to communication, I still see some of the same issues where things are announced on social media prior to being sent 20:00:04 on email, although that's a little better. The website is not updated so we can't go to the website to get information, and I hear from a lot of my students that they don't know where to go to get information that that communication is still a key issue 20:00:23 they don't even understand what the benefits are because the communication system is not working for, for many of us. 20:00:34 I agree with most of what Barbara has to say and I have sent this in formal letters to the executive board prior to this and so I think you all are aware of the way I feel about it, particularly the way that the process was handled. 20:00:48 My biggest concern right now is that in timing. 20:00:53 Do we have the time to do evaluation before next election. 20:00:57 And right now the way the policy reads as far as I understand it, the only people who have privy and can vet candidates moving up or the nominating committee, and we don't even know who they are. 20:01:10 So one thing I'm going to ask right now or what are your plans for evaluation, how are you going to evaluate and who's going to be in charge of the evaluation. 20:01:18 And second, I would like to know, As a member who was on the nominating committee, because they currently hold all the information in this very small group of people 20:01:32 that I see youth minister, Beth thank you for your, your thoughts and sharing your concerns and bad this diamond has also raised her hand so please go ahead and respond. 20:01:45 Thanks Clarissa, I'm sorry, let me just clear my throat one second. 20:01:52 Sorry, when you haven't spoken for a while then you try it doesn't always work. 20:01:58 Let me try and who answer some of what you were just asking. 20:02:05 So in my role as the immediate past president. 20:02:09 It's actually part of my job to put together the nominating committee. 20:02:17 I am in the process of doing that right now so the reason that you haven't heard of, who is on the committee yet, is because I'm, I'm working on it now, and and putting together. 20:02:34 You know the information to go out to membership in general to see who might be interested in this. So, I will be looking for and reaching out to members who are interested in doing this. 20:02:51 I know that I'm going to be looking for a group of people who have diverse identities, who are from locations throughout the regions, who bring a diversity of, you know, when I say identities, yes it's marginalized, it's non marginalized, it's people 20:03:12 who have a music therapist for a long time people who are new to the field to really help bring the various perspectives to work in both on the committee itself, as well as maybe consult if people are not able to dedicate the amount of time that is going 20:03:33 to be needed to be on the actual committee. 20:03:37 In addition, you know there's a lot of questions about evaluating this past election that has always been part of the plan to do so because we really do need to look at. 20:03:52 You know how it worked, what worked, what didn't work. 20:03:56 There have been a number of questions that have been brought up before during and now again afterwards that are extremely relevant and very important to have answers to and to bring clarity to the process itself. 20:04:13 So that way we can figure out how best to move forward with all of this and try to bring together the different sides so that are the different viewpoints not sides the different viewpoints. 20:04:37 Knowing that, You know, 20:04:42 it's going to be hard it's not going to be easy to do this but we do need to 20:04:53 answer a lot of things, and because there's a lot of what ifs, that came up. And I know that you know people have had conversations with me. 20:05:04 While all of this was going on when I was still in the role of President to figure out how, like all of these what if questions and I and we didn't have the answers but now we need to get the answers. 20:05:20 So, my thought is that we would also put together a subcommittee, that would be specifically just re evaluating this process. And like I said, that's actually, if you saw my list of things to do for this week. 20:05:35 It's literally the first thing listed on my list is to start to get the information out to the membership. So, 20:05:48 I have faith, and I am confident that we will be able to evaluate it, and in enough time for the next election. 20:06:03 And that we will be able to come to conclusions that will help us as a region, grow in the ways that we all want to because we all are wanting the same thing. 20:06:20 We just have different ideas of how we're going to get to that place. So, and that's where we are right now. And so that's what we need to examine. 20:06:30 But I just want to be very clear that it, because this is now policy. Right. And it has that it would then need to go back and the bylaws would need to be changed and voted on in order to move away from the way that we did elections, the last time, is 20:06:48 that, that is correct. Yes, that is correct and so if absent any change. 20:06:54 Again, the nominating committee would be the only people who would be privy to the knowledge of who the nominees are is that correct. 20:07:03 Yes, that is correct. 20:07:07 Yes. 20:07:10 Yes, no matter what that would be it. 20:07:24 What is the problem. Thank you. 20:07:27 Thanks. Sorry, 20:07:32 either. 20:07:34 So I really just have something brief to say and it's anecdotal. So again, I think we probably can use data in situations like this but having served for, you know, many years as a member and just witnessing what I've witnessed including being on the 20:07:53 board myself being president. 20:07:56 I would say that this is probably the most diverse executive board, I've ever seen in the MAR based upon you know whatever criteria we typically use so I think it you know the boils down to self identification, ultimately, so I can't make that decision 20:08:12 myself but just from what I see. 20:08:16 And from what I understand about who, who the board is. And yet, it's also the year where there's the most interrogation of the process that I've ever heard. 20:08:28 I understand that that's because the process has changed, in part, but it is interesting that in all the years prior, when there has been less diversity. 20:08:37 We have not exercised as much concern and interrogation of the process. So I just want to make that point, that from my perspective as a longtime member I'm noticing that interesting combination. 20:08:51 Thank you, 20:08:56 Brian, appreciate it. 20:08:59 And I, I also want it to respond, a little bit to, to the point about the number of people who participated in this most recent election. 20:09:10 I am new on the board and this whole change of policy predated my being on the board. 20:09:19 But from what I understand, the number has historically been pretty low in terms of member engagement and elections on somebody else can probably back that up with the actual numbers but I do believe that everything I've read and reports has been double 20:09:35 digits rather than triple digits in a very, you know in a much larger membership. 20:09:42 And I think that that's you know that's really unfortunate. 20:09:45 And one of the reasons why as the VP for membership I'm trying to increase opportunities for a face to face, you know, virtual face to face interaction with the board and between music therapy members so that we can try to increase our members engagement 20:10:02 and music therapists engagement with others in the region to see if we can increase interest in being a part of our organization. 20:10:13 If anybody else on the board who knows about the what the actual numbers are has, has insight into that, I welcome you to to supply them but if not you know like it's it can be part of have a response that we create later. 20:10:27 Oh. 20:10:36 put those Clarissa Thanks Bob for that information, Barbara is correct, in that there were. 20:10:42 I think 4158 totally words opponent total totally of that 20:10:52 elections. 20:10:58 It is lot lower than other ones, there was a special election that had 61. 20:11:16 In 2018, there are the numbers who have members who have voted has decreased over the last year is that a truly is a double digits. 20:11:11 So, 1719 elections were also have had decreased from me see her 17 was 131 voted. 20:11:25 So, that was I say the last one that was in triple digits. 20:11:32 2019 also was 128, so special elections have typically been you know less had less boats body 20:11:44 that responded is said to all members we fed at least two times, maybe three members who have or not have working emails or said, You know, who have. 20:12:03 I just unsubscribed to receiving emails are notified by a private email as to if they would like to participate in the election and have a ballot set to them through the mail. 20:12:17 If needed, and they do respond to that. It has been probably about 40% that respond to that solicitation. 20:12:25 But yes, we have had less votes, the recent years. 20:12:34 Thank you Mark for sharing and list. Please go ahead. 20:12:39 Thank you. 20:12:41 I have something to offer in response to a concern that was raised about, I believe, a small candidate sleep during this election. And my understanding correctly that that was a concern. 20:12:58 I'd be remiss if we didn't notice the timing of when this change is coming about. 20:13:04 We are in our second year of a global pandemic. And many of us are reserves are depleted. 20:13:10 And there are few people who are looking to add on extra responsibilities at this time when we are all bearing the brunt of a pandemic and it's rippling effects in terms of our ability to recoup our energy and prepare for the next crisis that's coming 20:13:27 our way. 20:13:28 I think that there are very few people who are saying yes let me add more to my plate during this time when I'm treading water. Now my, I can only speak for myself and my, my position is appointed not elected. 20:13:40 So I did not go through this anonymized appellate process to, or my place on this board problem and Terry is an appointed position. 20:13:47 But I know that there was some serious consideration when I was approached about what I like to serve. Can I handle this. Can I do this time commitment can my mental health accommodate something extra on my plate right now. 20:14:01 And so I think that it's if it's true that there is a smaller slate and there are still vacancies in the assembly. Is that accurate. 20:14:11 It was that a concern that was raised. 20:14:14 I'm not going to say it's not related to the anonymized ballot because I don't know, but I think we would remiss if we didn't also acknowledge that there may be other, there may have been other contributing factors and the fact that we are in a pandemic 20:14:28 and we have all just been keeping things collectively for the past two years almost may have been a large contributor to that. 20:14:42 Thank you, was 20:14:45 we have any other discussion, or. 20:14:50 Oh, I see, Bob. You sure how to electronically raise my hand as the host so I just did it the old fashioned way, but it just in all of this too I think it's important just to to consider that there's really two main areas we need to look at for the evaluation 20:15:07 and the reflection of course there's the anonymized voting which changed. And that's a factor. We also made the change to switch to electronic voting to try and help get more people involved with it, to try and figure out how to do the bylaws changes 20:15:23 when we're not in person. 20:15:25 And when you know, people might be able to make a zoom meeting or not. And so I think both of those factors are part of what happened with the last election. 20:15:35 And it's hard to say it's one versus the other. But I think we do need to continue to look at and hear the concerns and evaluate the voting anonymize part of it but we also need to look at the electronic voting practice which is now what we are planning 20:15:49 on doing moving forward to see how do we engage more people in that process, because really with the whole election, it was maybe about 10% of membership that voted, you know, which is just low in general. 20:16:04 And I think it's a great way to be able to reach more people but we'll probably have to look at how it's advertised how we get word out. This is our first time trying to figure out how to make it work in the pandemic, and with the you know everything 20:16:17 going on with the conferences, so I just think it's important for both areas to get good consideration for how to make this whole process more accessible and supported for everyone. 20:16:33 So good points. 20:16:52 I'm simply trying to hold the space for anyone who would like to speak, Elizabeth Please go ahead. 20:17:00 Um, I'd like to just turn it to the future and to ask the board and I do understand that the anonymized elections were there to increase diversity, but I really am not clear yet. 20:17:14 what exactly the board is planning on doing besides put it as one of your goals to increase diversity even further, where I teach many of my students are, are considered to be from marginalized communities first time college students. 20:17:28 People of color. 20:17:31 And I don't see any outreach to them. And I'm just would like to hear from the board, particularly the new board coming in. What are your plans and how are you going to actually work to increase diversity, more across the profession, with Mar, and then 20:17:49 perhaps it will move up until the executive board. 20:18:01 Thank you for that question was, but I think that's really important. 20:18:06 I can say just as a new board and dealing with things electronic we haven't been able to have a lot of discussion about that yet. As a group, it's definitely one of our agenda items to talk about so we don't have a lot of specific answers for that yet 20:18:21 but I know some different areas that you know people brought up that we need to look at or even just accessibility to the field to begin with, for people being able to get enrolled in programs and other ways we could help support that are there things 20:18:36 we can do to help to you know make things more accessible for somebody who doesn't come from a Western musical background, I received an email. 20:18:47 I think it was before the transition into this role, but it was, it was not long before if somebody saying, I know somebody who's a great person they really have what it takes to be a therapist, they don't have a western music background and they're trying 20:19:00 to get into school like how can we help them to get there and that I wish I had a better answer for that email but I mean like those types of things are things we need to explore. 20:19:10 We need to look at when somebody does get into the training process how can we support people when they get to internship, which is such a financial burden, when they get out into the field and we're trying to help connect you know people with those who 20:19:27 might seem familiar that they might identify with to help provide support in different ways, like that we need to figure out how to best support our clients, and to support people getting into the field. 20:19:40 I know none of that answers but I just, I hear the concern that you're bringing in I think it's important, and that you know we really do look for those ways to try and answer those and address those and see what we can do to support membership and people 20:19:55 getting into the field and the clients that we're all trying to serve. 20:20:03 Thank you, Bob. tim you had your hand up next. 20:20:07 Now Hello everybody, this is Tim dope the Vice President for conference planning Can everybody hear me okay I apologize if I'm a little muffled yes we can hear you. 20:20:16 Thanks. Wonderful. Thank you. 20:20:19 So to answer your question, Elizabeth. In regards to the conference Planning Committee. We have initiated and implemented the proposals for individuals who are marginalized communities as to increase the diversity within the conference slates, we have 20:20:42 implemented that these individuals, when and if they are accepted to present to the conference that they will have a free conference registration. And I can tell you that we have had individuals already applied with the call for papers that are using 20:21:01 this new initiative that the conference planning committees are doing together and this is something that was noted, and is something that is going to be going forward for future conferences as well. 20:21:18 Thank you for that. 20:21:27 Thank you, Tim. Andre Did you have your, your hand raised. There's something else. We are looking to do is for the constitution and bylaws committee once our anti oppression anti oppression ad hoc has its new members in place will be having one or two 20:21:44 of those members joining the committee to review our constitution and bylaws they have at 30 something page report on what they found. Looking at sources of oppression in our region, and 58, sorry. 20:22:02 It's amazing 58 page sorry Stephanie for shortening all that work, but it's really a tremendous report we're going to hear about it tomorrow night as an executive board and then we'll have members from that committee, joining us as we form our constitution 20:22:17 and bylaws review committee, so that we can implement some of their suggested changes within that committee. 20:22:31 Thank you, Andre, Tim Did you have your hand up again or is that from earlier. 20:22:40 I'm sorry that's from earlier I will take that down. Okay, thank you. 20:22:58 Elizabeth I see you unmuted if you do have something you'd like to say, I certainly would welcome other comments but I just want to make one other suggestion and is that is to tie diversity to regulation and reimbursement. 20:23:15 And for many of my students who come from. First time college. 20:23:22 They can't afford to go into music therapy because they can't afford the college tuition because the salaries are not high enough. 20:23:30 And I had many many students who come and tell me that their families told them not to go into music therapy, even though that was their passion, because they didn't feel that the value of the education, matched the, the reimbursement once they became 20:23:44 professionals. And so I really think that if we look more globally at why some members of our communities are not going into music therapy, we need to look at it in totality, and to look at raising the, the salaries and the recognition of music therapists 20:24:01 and this is done through the state test scores. 20:24:04 And I think the better the salaries are and the more opportunities for people, the more people we will have going into the field, including a greater diversity, of students. 20:24:19 That's an excellent point. And thank you for raising it, Donna, please go ahead. 20:24:27 Yes, just kind of a sidebar here. 20:24:30 A lot of the concerns that are being raised here, particular when Bob was speaking about western classical music training and access to college programs and fair wages and diversity in the workforce and having clinicians who look like the people they're 20:24:56 serving all of those and much more are constant topics of discussion amongst the 21st century commission. 20:25:08 So these are local and regional, and national global concerns in our community at this point. 20:25:18 Not that it makes it any easier, because these are really big. This is big work. 20:25:24 But I want to let you know that I'm also listening as co chair of the Commission. 20:25:40 And we'll bring a lot of this to our next meeting as well. 20:25:34 Thank you. 20:25:38 Thank you, Donna, that's very useful to have her you're listening you're in that capacity at this meeting. 20:25:46 Because I you know I hear all of the concerns that are being brought forth and as a, you know, a member of a regional executive board I feel very, you know, limited and what what we can do to really address these things. 20:26:03 We will, you know, I'm sure at our next meeting do our best to brainstorm. How do we tie, you know, encouragement of of inclusion and diversity to regulations and and and your your other point Elizabeth, but it's it's it's going to take some work, and 20:26:34 appreciate your, you're bringing that forth. 20:26:40 So there was a comment made in the chat that I'm not sure everyone was available to see or read in case you wanted to address that for the recording. Oh, thank you, thank. 20:26:52 I'm, I am and you thank you because I appreciate that. Oh yes, Nicole I apologize it and see that a few minutes ago. 20:26:59 Nicole rights. Thank you to the board for all your work. My request for upcoming elections is that the slate of candidates use either anonymous or confidential statements, as these are quite different, and each person statements varied wildly between 20:27:13 the two in the past election, having consistent parameters for statements could help us better vote compare in a truly, I'm going to sit that's anonymous manner. 20:27:23 Thank you, Nicole for that point. There's many aspects of the election process that that we need to revisit and this is certainly one. 20:27:46 And seeing that we have just three minutes left, I just want to, you know, further invite anyone who has additional comments or feedback to to go ahead and speak on before we close our meeting. 20:28:37 I do want to also, if I may, since I don't see any other hands up, Elizabeth you spoke about your students there being a lack of outreach to your students, and I am just thinking in the communications that I've recently sent. 20:28:55 They have been limited to people for whom we have email addresses and people who are following us on social media and I try to try try very hard to make sure that those go out at the same time with the help of our public relations and our editor and assistant 20:29:12 editor that those those emails always take a team, but I do wonder if we have any way of reaching students who are not members of MTA, other than emailing program directors to pass messages on the students, and I see Megan has her hand up, go ahead. 20:29:37 So most of our communication from the student board to the students goes through the chapter representatives, we are missing some chapter representatives from some schools so there definitely are gaps in our communication. 20:29:50 But I am going to touch base with our secretary for the student board and see who we're missing and figure out how we can get in touch with those schools. 20:30:10 Thank you, again, really appreciate that. 20:30:11 Okay. 20:30:14 It's 830 so I would really like to thank everyone who has taken the time to be here and to share your perspective today and for being willing to talk about some, some difficult topics together and sit in. 20:30:29 In our, you know, feelings about how how we're going about the process of change which is very very difficult, but hopefully with the diversity of perspectives that we have we can try to move forward in a, in a way that feels best for all of us and maintains