The MAR-AMTA Nominating Committee is proud to present the slate candidates for MAR-AMTA Executive Board and Assembly of Delegates for the 2021-2023 term.
Candidate information can be found at this link: com/drive/folders/1GcejQAc2lh_ FvFL5AAObqF-eyYhyzwJb?usp= sharing
Here you will find each candidate’s biographical information, as well as motivation and interest in running. In addition, audio versions of each candidate’s responses are provided for accessibility.
Ballots will be sent via email on April 25th and will stay open for two weeks, closing on May 9th at 11:59pm. As per the MAR-AMTA Bylaws, only professional members in good standing, student members who have been professional members but have returned to graduate school and student status, and Honorary Life Members who are eligible for professional membership may vote. One vote may be cast per person.
Thank you and best of luck to all who are running!