Join us for our 2021 Spring Membership Business Meeting scheduled for Saturday, April 17th from 7:00PM – 9:00PM and Sunday, April 18th from 7:00PM – 8:00PM.
These meetings will take place via zoom and login information is provided via email and Facebook Private Event. WE WILL USE THE SAME LOGIN INFORMATION FOR BOTH MEETINGS.
As it has been more than a year since we have met in this capacity, and as we continue to tread into unexplored territory for us as a Region, we wanted to provide as much information as possible in preparation for our meeting. A folder with all of the information for the meeting can be found here:
In this folder you will find:
- Draft of the meeting agenda
- Minutes to be approved (Spring 2019, Fall 2019, January 2021)
- Proposed Revisions to the Constitution and Bylaws (document and recorded readings)
- MAR-AMTA Executive Board Reports from Meeting on 1/31/21 (video recording)
We have been giving careful consideration to how we can best present the proposed revisions to our Constitution and Bylaws at our business meeting this weekend, April 17th and 18th. As part of this effort, we have grouped the proposed revisions into blocks based on the type of revision that is being proposed. These groupings include: Simplification/Clarification; Virtual Conferences; New Sections; Constitution and Bylaws Revision Committee; Clarification of Duties; Constitution and Bylaw Amendment Process; Nomination Committee/Election Process. Our hope is that this will aid us in discussion as we consider similar types of proposed changes at a time. The content has not changed from the previous links we shared other than to be rearranged in the document. We want to allow space for discussing these proposals and to have the floor open for amendments as we would during an in person meeting.
As we are unable to meet in person, we are going to be voting on these proposed revisions electronically. After the discussion and amendment process is complete we will update the document to reflect any changes and prepare the proposed revisions to be sent out to the MAR membership for voting. We will be recording the discussion that occurs during the meeting and will share a link to this discussion of the proposed changes so that anyone who is not in attendance can listen to the discussion that took place prior to voting if they wish.
Be sure to look in the 2021 Spring Membership Business Meeting folder for the written and recorded readings of the proposed changes to the Constitution and Bylaws. (
ZOOM LOGIN INFO – Due to security concerns, the link has only been distributed via email and private facebook event via the Mid-Atlantic Region American Music Therapy Association facebook page