The MAR Executive Board will be sponsoring two current MAR members to attend the 6 CMTE credit, AMTA Leadership Academy at the upcoming National Conference, on Wednesday, November 11th, 12:30-6:30pm, for FREE.
To be considered for this FREE CMTE, please fill and submit the Google Form below by Monday, October 5th. A committee will be reviewing applications and choosing two members to sponsor by Wednesday, October 7th.
AMTA Leadership Academy 2015
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Mission Statement: Inspiring music therapists to achieve at their highest potential while empowering them to lead in their areas of expertise!
Through a series of plenary and breakout sessions in four different mix-and-match tracks, Leadership Academy participants will experience multiple frameworks for thinking about leadership and how to recognize and build critical skills in all areas of leadership!
The AMTA Academy experience will allow professionals at ALL levels to:
- Discover their unique niche as a leader.
- Explore leadership approaches, stages, and styles.
- Enhance their professional development and responsibilities.
- Forge a path for leadership in the future.
- Learn from leaders within our field in areas of nonprofits, healthcare, business and academia.
12:30-1:15 pm Introduction to Leadership
Presenters: Ronna Kaplan, Michelle Hairston, Deforia Lane, Meredith Pizzi
Description: Vince Lombardi said, “Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile.” We hope you will use these musical and reflective experiences to set your intentions for your collective and individual efforts today on your leadership journeys. Be INSPIRED!
1:25-2:35 pm Breakout Session 1-Nonprofit Track
Presenters: Ronna Kaplan, Mary Adamek, Eve Montague
Description: This session will examine definitions of leadership and selected leadership models or approaches. Participants will engage in guided self-assessment, addressing topics such as personality, style, core values/guiding principles, signature themes and strengths, and ideal vs. real selves. Opportunities for reflection on past leadership experiences and goal-setting will be included.
Breakout Session 1-Healthcare Track
Music Therapy Advancement: Strategies to Enhance Your Style and Form
Presenter: Deforia Lane
Description: This session will take a transparent look at steps to personal and professional growth through self-examination, goal-setting and mentorship. We will identify circles of influence, patterns that stabilize and challenge your work and pinpoint an action plan.
Breakout Session 1-Business Track
A Self-Assessment, Where Do I Fit in?
Presenters: Jennifer Buchanan, Kymla Eubanks, Meredith Pizzi
Description: This session will take a look at personal development as a leader, what it looks like, how it happened for the presenters, what goals they set for themselves, and more. Attendees will be encouraged to set at least one goal to assist themselves in becoming a better leader.
Breakout Session 1-Academia Track
First Steps in Becoming a Leader in Academia
Presenter: Michelle Hairston
Description: Presentations in this track will offer helpful suggestions for Music Therapy Educators wishing to pursue administrative roles at their institutions. We begin in this session with self-assessment of areas for professional growth, goal-setting as well as learning about other first steps we can take toward becoming academic leaders.
2:45-3:55 pm Breakout Session 2-Nonprofit Track
Leadership within a Nonprofit Workplace
Presenters: Ronna Kaplan, Eve Montague
Description: Leadership within a nonprofit workplace encompasses many job responsibilities. We may need to manage one or more teams and work with those outside of our team, including boards. Presenters will explain how Bridges’ Transition Model for guiding people through change and The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership (Kouzes and Posner) fit into our work as music therapists.
Breakout Session 2-Healthcare Track
Challenges of Working with a Changing Healthcare Environment
Presenter: Concetta Tomaino
Description: The presenter will discuss the experience of trying to maintain a vibrant clinical, research and educational program in a world where corporate and healthcare policies are frequently changing.
Breakout Session 2-Business Track
Leadership within My Sphere of Influence, My Work Place
Presenters: Meredith Pizzi, Jennifer Buchanan, Kymla Eubanks
Description: This session will focus on the “ripples of influence” you may have as a business owner on all with whom you come in contact, the reputation and image you and your business portray among your music therapy community and among other professional colleagues, and leadership and management of your team.
Breakout Session 2-Academia Track
I’m Going to Be What? Department Head, Dean!!
Presenter: Ed Kahler
Description: This second presentation will continue to offer helpful suggestions for Music Therapy Educators interested in pursuing leadership roles in academia and discuss spheres of influence and the process of becoming a leader within a department.
4:05-5:15 pm Breakout Session 3-Nonprofit Track
Leadership within a Nonprofit Organization
Presenters: Mary Adamek, Ronna Kaplan, Eve Montague
Description: In this final session related to nonprofits we discuss the special intricacies, challenges, and rewards of being on a board and leading a board. You will learn about the ten basic responsibilities of nonprofit boards as outlined and explained by Ingram and the four elements of leadership as defined by Maxwell.
Breakout Session 3-Healthcare Track
Leadership among Related Fields and Community Partners
Presenter: Kat Fulton
Description: The change that we’d like to see in the world is widespread music therapy, available to EVERY client who needs it. Participants will walk through a 3-step model for creating collaborations that last a lifetime to bridge the gap between us and related fields to serve our communities in an expansive, impactful way.
Breakout Session 3-Business Track
Leadership at the Next Level, Regional/National/Advocacy
Presenters: Kymla Eubanks, Jennifer Buchanan, Meredith Pizzi
Description: Participants will learn how to make the connection between their business success and impact and their involvement in state, regional and national efforts, both for regulatory advocacy and to support the work of our national organizations. How can we bring our leadership to the next level?
Breakout Session 3-Academia Track
Leadership in Academic Governance: The Path to a Trustee’s Seat at the University
Presenter: Jayne Standley
Description: This presentation will explore the role of faculty governance in shaping university operations on issues important to faculty welfare. We will discuss the route from new faculty member in music therapy to Faculty Senate President/Trustee of the University and potential leadership attributes that evolve through this process.
5:30-6:30 pm Empowering YOU as a Leader in Music Therapy
Presenters: Ronna Kaplan, Michelle Hairston, Deforia Lane, Meredith Pizzi
Description: “Leaders are made, they are not born.” We hope you will use these final musical and reflective experiences to process what you learned in your collective and individual efforts today and be accountable to yourselves. Bring your new “leader selves” to the table. Be MOTIVATED! Be EMPOWERED!
AMTA Leadership Academy 2015 Presenter Bios
Nonprofit track:
Ronna Kaplan, MA, MT-BC is Chair of the Center for Music Therapy at The Music Settlement in Cleveland, Ohio, where she also served as Interim Co-Executive Director. Presently the Chair-elect of NCCATA, she is a Past President of AMTA.
Mary Adamek, PhD, MT-BC is the Director of Music Therapy at The University of Iowa. She is a Past President of AMTA and served on the AMTA Board of Directors for 12 years.
Eve Montague, MSM, MT-BC is Director of Creative Arts Therapies at South Shore Conservatory in Boston. A Past President of NER-AMTA, she serves AMTA in many other capacities and has worked 30 years in nonprofit management.
Academia Track:
Michelle Hairston, EdD, MT-BC is a Professor of Music Therapy at East Carolina University and Chair of the Music Therapy and Music Education Department. She is a Past President of AMTA.
Edward P. Kahler, PhD, MT-BC is Associate Dean of the College of Fine Arts and Humanities and Director of the Music Therapy Program at West Texas A & M University. He previously served as Head of the Department of Music.
Jayne Standley, PhD, MT-BC is a Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor at Florida State University and Director of the National Institute for Infant and Child Medical Music Therapy, a network affiliation of universities and medical centers to promote research and training in NICU-MT.
Medical Track:
Deforia Lane, PhD, MT-BC is Director of Art and Music Therapy at University Hospitals Case Medical Center. She has mentored 70+ interns and is a prolific consultant and international presenter.
Kat Fulton, MM, MT-BC is the visionary behind, the founder of Sound Health Music in San Diego, and a mentor to music therapists around the globe.
Concetta Tomaino, DA, MT-BC, LCAT is Executive Director/co-founder of the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function; Senior Vice President for Music Therapy at CenterLight Health System, Past President of AAMT and faculty at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Lehman College, CUNY.
Business Track:
Meredith Pizzi, MT-BC is Founder/Executive Director of Roman Music Therapy Services and Co-Founder/CEO of Raising Harmony: Music Therapy for Young Children, both in Melrose, MA. She oversees the Roman Music Therapy team and provides professional music therapy coaching.
Jennifer Buchanan, MTA is President of JB Music Therapy in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and supervises music therapy interns from Capilano University. She is a Past President of the Canadian Association for Music Therapy.
Kymla Eubanks, MM, MT-BC is CEO/Founder of Higher Octave Healing in Tempe, AZ and works with Music Therapy Business Solutions in Chandler, AZ. She is a Faculty Associate at Arizona State University Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts.