WRAMTA Call for Papers!


The deadline is rapidly approaching for CMTE, Concurrent, and Connections/Passages Call for Papers for the AMTA Western and Mid-Western Regional Conference.  This is a great opportunity to share with two regions as we have joined forces with the Mid-Western Region to provide the 2017 Conference in Broomfield, CO March 16th – 19th, 2017.

CMTE Courses – March 16th & 19th, 2017
Concurrent Sessions – March 17-18th, 2017
Connections/Passages (Student and New Professional Session) – March 16, 2017

CMTE Courses are Either 3 Hours or 5 Hour classes.
Concurrent Sessions are 60, 90, or 120 minutes.
Connections/Passages presentations are for students and new professionals only.

Please fill out the Google Form in entirety (printing for your records) and email resume/CVs for ALL presenters to continuinged@wramta.org by Midnight, PSTSeptember 30, 2016.

The form is also available at www.wramta.org.

Please refer questions to Emily Polichette, WRAMTA Continuing Education Director, at continuinged@wramta.org.

Looking forward to your submissions!